Welcome Miss Kim Yuri..

Chen was sitting inside his room. The door opened and Rang came inside.

'' Woah man, that was great''. Chen exclaimed.

Rang loosened his necktie and jumped on the bed.

'' Chen, we will take the things slowly okay. So don't rush''. Rang said while closing his half sleepy eyes.

Chen nodded and said,'' Tomorrow there would be so spicy news on media and everywhere''.

Rang smirked while leaning his head back. He knew that only provoking will help them get him. 

Chen asked him,'' Rang, from tomorrow Yuri would start coming, right?''

Rang nodded Chen thought something and said,'' Why don't we welcome her warmly''.

'' What do you mean?'' Rang asked him.

Chen said,'' We will arrange a welcome party for her''.

'' Do whatever you like, I am so tired right now. So I wanna sleep''. Rang said and went to get refreshed.

'' Aish, this man. How can he be so dull?'' Chen thought and took his phone out.

He saw a message on the screen. It was from Irene. After reading the message Chen shouted,'' Rang now clear all this shit as well''.

'' What do you mean now?'' Rang shouted back.

Chen gritted his teeth and said,'' This girl Irene''.

'' Hang with her a little more until Yuri become mine''. Rang said while taking shower.

'' Shut up. Suho is already with you then why do you need her?'' Chen shouted and threw his phone on the bed.


The next day Yuri got ready, she remembered her conversation with Lu Yang. When she went downstairs everyone was already present there.

Mr. Kim Sung Ho asked Suho to drop her at Lee Rang's office. After breakfast, they both left because after dropping Yuri at the office, Suho had to reach the hospital on time.

Suho observed her, she was sitting quietly. He asked her,'' Are you nervous?''

She shook her head and said,'' No''.

Suho then asked her,'' Is something wrong.. or is something bothering you?''

Yuri first hesitated but then she narrated her conversation with Lu Yang last night. When She also told him what Yang said in front of everyone.

Suho listened to her and then said,'' I can't say anything, whose right or whose wrong?''

Yuri asked,'' What do you mean brother?''

He answered,'' I only know that Lee Rang is having a great interest in you and he's a good choice?''

Yuri just kept quiet, finally, they reached Cannon Corporations.

Yuri got out of the car, Suho said,'' Should I escort you in?''

Yuri smiled and shook her head,'' I guess, Mr. Lee Rang would be already waiting for me?''

Suho teasingly smirked and said,'' Be careful, I think that Mr. Lee would have prepared a good meal for you''.

Yuri understood what he said, she gritted her teeth and went away. Suho left for the hospital.

Yuri was too nervous from inside. She was trying to be calm from outside but the thought of being alone with Lee Rang was giving her chills. She went inside, two young ladies were wearing a proper uniform standing at the entrance to welcome her.

They bowed and lead her the way inside. When Yuri went inside, Chen was standing holding a flower bouquet in his hand.

'' Welcome to Canon corporations, Miss Kim Yuri''. Chen greeted her.

'' Thank you''. She said and accepted the flower bouquet. Yuri's eyes were searching for some when. All the staff was present there to welcome her while Lee Rang was not at the scene. She felt a little sad.

'' Welcome Miss Kim Yuri''. She heard the voice, the dark cold voice, her heart started beating so fast.

She turned and faced Lee Rang.

'' Thankyou!'' She stuttered.

'' Everyone, this is Kim Yuri. She's Mr. Kim Sung Ho's daughter and till our contract lasts, she's going to work here representing her father's company''. Lee Rang said loud in his prideful yet cold voice.

Everyone welcomed her warmly, then Chen and Rang took her to the office. The colleagues went back to there work. Lee Rang's office was well organized. Everything was on the point. The office workers and colleagues were all well mannered, well dressed and well qualified.

Lee Rang made a tough schedule for office work hours. Everything was under his notice. Even the glass vase on the table was not allowed to put somewhere else.

Yuri went with them, she was amazed at Rang's office. Thought it was professional but was made by keeping the Chinese point of view in mind.

'' What do you wanna drink?'' Chen asked her after they settled on seats.

'' Nothing, thank you''. She replied hesitantly.

'' Never mind I will bring anything myself''. Chen said and left them alone.

Now Yuri was alone with Lee Rang. Though she was looking down, she could sense that Lee Rang was starring at her continuously.

Lee Rang said,'' Aren't you going to introduce yourself?''

Yuri lifted her head and looked at him,'' You already know everything about me. Then why I need to introduce myself?''

'' Yeah you are right, I know everything about you. Something's so private, I still know them''. He said while looking at another side.

Yuri got confused and asked,'' What do you know so private about me?''

Lee Rang raised his eyebrow and said,'' Should I tell you? I bet you would regret''.

'' Just tell me?'' She said as she was curious.

Rang stood from his seat and came close to Yuri and sat next to her. They were only some inches apart.

Lee Rang said,'' I know your period's date''.

Yuri's mouth went wide open with shock and she hid her face with embarrassment.

'' I told you, you would regret, baby girl''. Rang came close to her ear and said in a seductive voice.

This gave Yuri chills down her spine and whole body. She tried to move away but he held her through her tiny waist.

Lee Rang said,'' Where do you think, you are going huh?''

'' What are you trying to do?'' She asked.

'' Why are you so scared, I am not going to eat you at least''. He said while letting go of her.

'' If you keep on behaving like this, I would aske father to send someone else here on my place''. She warned him.

Lee Rang laughed out and said,'' Do you think it would be that easy for you to go from here?''

Yuri just glared at his face, Lee Rang further said,'' ONCE YOU STEP IN, YOU CAN'T STEP OUT, MIND IT''.