Are you alright..

Lee Rang and Yuri starred at each other for a while.

'' Your eyes are so captivating''. Lee Rang stated.

They both returned to there respected seats. Lee Rang and Yuri kept quit for a while.

Lee Rang said,'' Today is your first day so I won't pressurize you on the very first day. You can visit the whole office, meet the colleagues and you can meet all the chiefs here''.

Yuri nodded in response.

Then he said,'' I am very strict when it comes to rules and regulations. You have to follow the rules of the office, come on time, complete all work on time''.

Yuri again nodded.

He further added,'' And you would have to answer properly to your boss. Just nodding in response won't work here''.

Yuri looked at him and a small naughty smile appeared on her face,'' I have already seen that you are a very strict boss''.

''Let's go out Baby girl''. He said.

Yuri sat there shocked,'' Why?''

He replied,'' It's my order''.

She asked,'' Do you take all your employees out on a there very first day at work?''

Lee Rang pissed,'' Why would I do that?. You are special, that's why I'm taking you out with me''.

She blushed a little and said,'' What would others think?. And your employees, they would guess we are dating''.

He chuckled at her words,'' Isn't it a good way to tell the world that we are dating''.

'' Are you mad? Who said I'm dating you?'' She said aloud.

Lee Rang didn't reply to her but grabbed her wrist and dragged her out. She tried freeing herself but it was all vain.

Everyone peeked with the corners of there eyes but no one dared to say anything in front of the devil. Lee Rang was now holding her hand. Yuri had no other choice to go with the flow.

After they left the office and went outside the parking area, some employees who had taken pics secretly of Lee Rang and Yuri, walking side by side holding hands, started sharing it online.

Lee Rang and Yuri sat in the car. Though Yuri started trusting Lee Rang she still didn't depend upon him fully.

Lee Rang took her to a restaurant. They ate lunch and after finishing, Yuri excused Lee Rang and went to use the washroom. When she was returning something caught the sight that shocked her.

Lu Yang was sitting with a girl, talking and laughing happily. She didn't felt anything because she wasn't having any feelings for him anymore.

But that site was a little uneasy. What if Lu Yang saw her with Lee Rang? These thoughts made her leave that place at once. But today it was proved that whatever Lee Rang told her that day was all the truth.

Lee Rang was waiting for her to come back.

When she went back, Lee Rang saw uneasiness on her face so he asked,'' Did something happened?''

Yuri vigorously shook her head,'' N-nothing, let's go''. She grabbed his arm and started dragging him to the elevator.

Lee Rang allowed her to drag him away but he still couldn't help but wonder why she was having an uneasy look on her face. They walked towards the elevator and entered inside.

Lee Rang pressed the ground floor button before she stood beside him. Seeing her so quite he asked,'' Are you really alright?''

She raised her head and stared at his face for a while. Her eyes instantly landed on his soft-looking lips.

Lee Rang's eyes darkened when he saw her starring at her lips. If she kept on looking at his lips, then he would attack her.

He slowly leaned down.