After Party

I know that princess will only bring me trouble. I look at my fellow noble before bowing at them a little.

"I'm sorry for this."

They look at me in surprise before my uncle says.

"It was nothing. I don't like what that little bastard is saying. This is why I wouldn't say I like attending this type of party. Stuck up people try to show their so-called power. In reality, they are nothing but a bunch of cowards hiding behind their wall."

"Thank you, uncle."

"I agree with Lomun…"

I look at the source of the new voice and see a massive man wearing a black suit. He has green eyes and short white hair. He has a white beard and wrinkles around his face showing his old age, but even with that wrinkle, he still has the face of a veteran warrior with an aura matching his face.

This man is Michael Duchamp. The lord of Duchamp county. His county is located to the east of my place. He is also the father of my mother. Meaning that he is my grandfather.

"They become worse than the previous generation. They become lazier because of the safety of their wall. They never experience hardship like us. They stay inside their castle, filling their belly with wine and bread while leaving all the fighting to their citizens. Disgusting."

"I see. I guess you are right, Grandfather."

Each of us walks inside our carriage. Some of the lords go to the inn where they stay while Uncle Lomun and Grandpa Michael decide to go to my mansion. I know that uncle Lomun wants to make Lucina and me getting closer, while Grandpa Michael wants to see me after a few years of not being able to see me.

After five minutes, we arrived in front of the Lionheart mansion. When we walk inside, I ask Richard to make something for us to eat. Seeing Richard walk away to the kitchen, I walk to my bedroom and summon the best wine my pocket dimension could summon.

With two bottles of wine in my hands, I walk toward the dining room, where I see Lucina, Uncle Lomun, and Grandpa Michael sitting there having a conversation with each other. When I arrive, I look at one of the servants and say.

"Could you take some glass for us?"

"Of course, my lord."

I place down the wine on the table where my grandpa takes it and examine it from top to bottom.

"Isaac, where do you buy this wine? I have never seen this type of brand before."

"This is the wine we produce for personal use."


"Yup. Sadly we can't make this wine in a large quantity. So I only make the wine for personal use."

"Then let us taste it."

As the servant comes back with the glass, I open up the wine. As I open up the wine, my nose gets attacked by a sweet aroma. The aroma is strong but not in a bad kind. I pour the wine into the glass.

After pouring the wine, I take the glass then bring it closer to my mouth before taking a sniff and enjoying the sweet aroma of the wine. When the wine touches my tongue, I can feel an explosive flavor happening inside my mouth. The perfect combination of sweet, sour, and bitter flavors the wine has is delicious. Really delicious.

"This is the best wine I ever tasted!"

"Yes. This wine is better than the most expensive wine I ever bought."

"It is delicious."

I'm as surprised as them. I know that I request the best wine, but I never thought that my pocket dimension would give me a wine this good.

After emptying his glass, my grandfather looked at me and said,

"This wine could be a good source of income for your fief. I suggest you increase the output of your wine production."

"Hmmm… I will think about it. However, right now, I cannot do that with winter around the corner."

"I guess you are right. Speaking of winter, do you have enough food for the winter?"

"Yes. I have enough food for the winter. I even have some food that can be sold to the other lord."


"Yes. I have some secrets that I will share with all of you. Please follow me to the backyard. I will show you something."

I can see the confusion in my grandfather and Lucina's eyes, but my uncle has an expression that says he already knows about the thing I want to show them. When we arrive in the backyard, I take out my wand and create a private ward around us. I don't want people from the capital to know about my ability to use magic.

Grandfather looked at me with a shocked expression after I was creating the ward.

"You are a magician?"

"Yes, I'm."

"For how long?"

"I can use magic after the death of my father."

"I see… I'm sorry."

"It's okay, grandpa."

"Is this what you want to show us?"

"Ah! No, I want to show you something else. I create this barrier to hide our presence to an unwanted eye."

"You think there is a spy here?"

"No, I don't think there is a spy among us. I don't want the people from the capital to know."

"I see. Then let's see what you want to show us."

I flick my wand, and suddenly a tree appears in the middle of the backyard. Not only growing, but the tree also began to bear some fruit. I flick my wand once again and take the apple on the tree and make it float toward my uncle, grandpa, and Lucina.

Grandpa Michael and Uncle Lomun look at the apple in amazement. When they see me eat the apple, they begin to take a bite and widen their eyes. The apple is juicier than the usual apple because I modify the apple so it will be more delicious and nutritious.


Grandpa looked at me while opening and closing his mouth like a fish.

"This is my power. I can grow any plant as long as there is soil under my feet. The reason why I show you my magic is that I want to give you something."

I take out a ward stone I create to fill the boredom from staying inside the carriage for more than a week.

"This is called Ward Stone. This stone let a 200 meter of land around it to fertilize and let any plant planted inside this area grow five times faster than usual."

Grandpa and Uncle Lomun take the stone and touch it gently as if the stone is the most important thing in the world.

"Not only does the land fertilize, but this stone also creates a barrier around the land to make a compulsion to anyone other than you to not tell anyone about this stone and its effect. This stone also makes other people see it as something normal. The only exception is you."

Both grandpa Michael and uncle Lomun look at the stone in amazement before looking at me.

"Isaac, do you really want to give this to us?"

I nod my head and say.

"Yes. You could create a private farm in the castle backyard. That farm can be used to grow some fruit or vegetable or even a grain. I don't want you or your people to starve to death in the winter. With this stone, wheat only needs two weeks to grow."

"I see. Thank you, Isaac, I really thank you. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask me, the Duchamp family will lend their full strength to assist you."

"Thank you, Grandpa."

The next one to come to me is uncle Lomun who looked me in the eyes before saying.

"I don't know how I can repay you, Isaac. While we are an ally, I don't have anything to give to you."

"It was nothing, Uncle. We are family. Think of this stone as one of the betrothed gifts."

"That means…"

"Yeah, I accept your offer to take Lucina as my wife. As long as Lucina agrees to it."

Uncle Lomun looked at her daughter and saw her looking at me with widened eyes before nodding her head and hugging me tightly. Uncle Lomun grinned at the affection his daughter showed before saying.

"It is time to party!"