A normal man reincarnated into a fantasy world as a Lord. He also gets a versatile pocket dimension that can be used as a place for him to train, relax, and sleep.
He doesn't know why he gets that power and why he gets reincarnated to that world, but he will enjoy every day of it.
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
Reveal Spoiler
The story seems well thought out and passionate, but the constant mistakes and grammar issues stop the reader from fully immersing themselves in this fic. The author should get an editor for the small mistakes as it would truly improve the readers experience.
Good story my friend... But it'l better if you extend the duration he stay in other dimensional like Potterverse cause I want to see the effect he cause for that fake phropecies..
Here is a guy who can make himself have the capabality of a GOD with all the oppurtunities his Dimension hopping can bring.. And now his playing humanity and limiting himself, knowingly he can fix all pesky problems if his really trying his best and to lessen the casualty of his people. Cause right now all i see is a guy playing Kingdom building on a game and not a guy whos living in it. If you want a story and can handle and ignore a UNIVERSE SIZE plothole the author forced to the story due to his ability, then read it. Other than those plothole everything is great.
Reveal Spoiler
a review said there is another reincarnator therefore i know i will hate this ______________________________________________________________
Review made as of 02/11/2021 Made after reading the latest chapter(c36) Overall Rating: 3.6, personally rounded up to 4 WQ 3 stars: Decent writing, small mistakes that may or may not dirupt your immersion. Good enought to understand what's going on, main problem tends to be the tenses and occasionally gender. SoU 4 stars: Author appears to update every three days, currently 36 chapters out. SD 3 stars: Started out great, but got a bit boring on the runes part. There's nothing wrong with it in particular, I even joyed it at first. My main problem with it was that I had little knowledge regarding that verse and the war part took a lot of time. I don't have anything against war arcs and actually enjoy it like with the cureent arc which goes into more detail and actually uses valid strategies. I think the WQ was my main problem during that part and the fact that I wasn't that invested in the characters of that arc. Currently, there is another war arc which I am enjoying for the above mentioned reason. CD 4 stars: The MC has cool powers that is a support-type in nature and doesn't instantly make him op, he makes good use of it and could be considered a high-tier now. He also has a good background and personality. Some of the supporting characters actually got me invested, so there's that as well. WG 4 stars: The author describes certain things concisely, but comprehensively. It's not like those stories which mention one thing then proceeds to take up space explaining unrelated stuff.
Reveal Spoiler
I have to say this... FINALLY!!!!!! Gosh, I honestly read a bit while skip a lot for this world... This riou world is not something I know, that's why it looks boring.. Not to mention how... Sigh... I wouldn't say anything anymore.. Just go on... The world is good pick, but because I'm not a fan of it, so it kind of weird read for me.. My fault,not yours...
Книга интересная, если добавишь больше описания других миров и время нахождения в них - будет хорошо. Хочется продолжения. Но деньги из России не получится отправить, так что извини. Желаю, чтобы твоя мама вылечилась!
Is this still alive? For I have read this at its infancy and has love every little bit of it...yet it has been so long since it's last update so I must again say Is this Dead?
I don't know what to say truthfully. Is it bad - no. Is it good-kinda? Is it exciting or do something better then others stories - definitely no. Main problem is that, if you read one of others author works - you would definitely feel like you already see all of this. Especially characters. They just boring. MC is like a program that act exactly as he supposed to act. In the end, everytime author try to use some different abilities, some weird powers, but story/characters remain the same as in his other works. So I really don't know what to say. Besides powers that he takes from other works on qq, there is nothing.