
When we arrive inside the mansion, we release our first pokemon. A second later, I see Pidgey and Zubat appear in front of us.

"Pi Pidgey?"

"Zubat? Bat?"

I smile at Pidgey, and I can see Lucina also smile at her pokemon.

"Hello there. My name is Isaac Lionheart."


Pidgey suddenly tackled me and rubbed its head at my cheek in excitement.

"Woah, there."

I chuckle a little and rub its neck gently before saying.

"You need a name. Do you want a name?"

"Pidg! Pidgey!"

"I see. Hmm, Are you a male or female?"

"Pidg! Pid~"

Pidgey gives me its tail and shakes it a little. I look at it in confusion and say.

"You are a female?"


Pidgey shakes its head before continuing to shake its tail.



"I see. How about Jonathan Joestar?"


"You like it? Then from now on, your name will be Jonathan Joestar, JoJo for short."


I rub his head before looking at Lucina, who is rubbing her Zubat, who is making a nest for itself on top of Lucina's head.

"Lucina met Jonathan Joestar or JoJo for short. Jojo, this is Lucina, my wife. Be nice to her, okay?"


Lucina waved her hand to Pidgey before introducing her pokemon to me.

"Isaac, meet Unire or Uni for short. Uni, this is Isaac, my husband. Be nice to him and his pokemon, okay? We are family, after all."

"Zu~ Zu~."

After introducing ourselves, I place down my pokemon on the table, and Lucina also places down her pokemon on the table.

"All right. First thing first, there is something I want to say to you guys. Lucina and I promise to have a friendly battle between us in a week's time."


"Zu! Zubat!"

"I know what you guys want to have a fight immediately as it is within your nature to fight with each other to grow. However, we also know that you don't have experience in battle just yet. That is why we will train you for the next week."

When I see the excitement on their face, I know that our pokemon did not mind having a training montage.


"Ralf. Here a bottle of water for you."

I look at the young woman giving me a bottle of water. I take the water and give him a tired smile.

"How is your day?"

"Not bad. What about yours, Kaliya?"

Kaliya is my childhood friend from the orphanage in Violet city. It was our childhood dream to become a Pokemon champion. Sadly for us, that title is something that we cannot reach. We successfully get the Eight Amateur Badge by defeating all the Amateur Stage Gym. However, we cannot beat the Mid-Class challenge, at least not all of them. I successfully collect two Mid-Class Badges, while Kaliya successfully collects three Mid-Class Badges.

Johto league has three-stage challenges before you could challenge the elite four.

The Amateur stage is when the Gym leader uses their new or young pokemon to fight the challenger. The Mid-Class stage is when the Gym leader uses their second team. Usually, this team is filled with a pokemon that just fully evolved.

Lastly, the High-Class stage. The High-Class stage is a challenge where you need to fight four lieutenant of the Gym leader before challenging the Gym Leader. The Gym leader will use their main team. The most powerful, the most experienced pokemon they have. Not only that, but the challenger also cannot heal or treat their pokemon with a potion or a healing paste.

"So-So. However, I meet an interesting person this morning."


"Her name is Lucina MacGrath. She comes from a village named Dalagull."


"Yup. Do you meet someone from that village as well?"

"Yes. His name is Isaac Lionheart."

"Heh~ Anyway, this young woman has witnessed someone get killed in front of her eyes."


"And when I asked her what her dream was, she said that she only wanted to protect and support her loved one."

"... Funny enough, Isaac also says the same thing with a little bit of a different goal."


"Yeah. He said that he only wanted to protect his loved one, support her and show her the world."

We stay silent for a few seconds before Kaliya says.

"What do you think is the cause?"

"I think it was a bandit. There is a village being razed to the ground on the western side of Johto fifteen years ago. The police cannot find any survivors and only find rubles. I think they are the only ones that survive. That is the reason why they are so protective of each other. I have a theory that they stay inside the forest for a year surviving with only barriers and wild vegetables. They sold some of the vegetables in the nearest market to get some money to buy some cloth and medicine. However, it was just a theory. They are the only one know the truth."

"I hope they are doing okay. I hope they have a great bond with their starter."

"Yeah, let's hope so.



I dodge the incoming wing attack to the left and swing my wooden pole. My attack hit JoJo right in the head, stunning him for a few seconds. However, instead of attacking him, I wait for him to get out of his stun state.

"Not bad. However, you are still too slow. Not only that, you will easily get a counter-attack after you finish your move. We need to train you to stop after you use your wing attack immediately. I suggest you use your quick attack after you stopped."


"Do you want to continue?"


"Good! Then come!"

After saying that, JoJo began to fly at me once again. However, this time he did not attack me but generate a small sandstorm to appear around me. Seeing the Sandstorm around me, I decide not to take out my wand and use my magic.

I release a little bit of my magic, and suddenly I can 'see' my surroundings. I can see JoJo's movement in the sandstorm, and when he decides to attack, I spin around and raise my pole to block the incoming attack.

While I block his Tackle attack, JoJo creates a gust of wind with his wind to throw me away. As I pushed away, JoJo's wing shined a little and began to charge at me and attack me with its wing. As I block his wing attack, JoJo uses his claw to attack him.

I smile a little and push him away from me and begin to charge at him. I begin to release a flurry of attacks toward JoJo, who tries to block all my attacks with my pole in hand. However, with our difference in strength and speed, he cannot block all the attacks.

Some of my attacks hit him, but JoJo keeps fighting and tries to do a counter-attack by creating another Sandstorm and Gust of Wind. However, instead of letting him create a distance between us, I keep pushing with a fast attack.

After a few minutes of close combat, I stopped and activated my Flowing Rune to heal him. I look at the clock before looking at my pokemon, who are eager for more training. Huh, I never know that a pokemon is a battle maniac.

I look to the side and see Lucina and Uni also finished their training. The Rain of Kindness also heals them.

"Lucina, do you guys want to do gravity training for a few hours? We will stop an hour before dinner time."


I look at both JoJo and Uni before saying.

"What do you think? Do you guys want to do gravity training? Or Do you want to take some rest first?"


"Zu~ Zu!"

I nod at their eagerness before I walk to the center of the room and tap my foot on the floor. A second later, I see a computer appear.

"Two times the gravity of earth. It will start at 3…. 2…. 1…."

When I feel my body get heavier, I look at Lucina and the other with a grin on my face.

"Let the training begin."