
When I woke up, I looked to my side and did not see Lucina, meaning that she was already awake before me. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face before walking downstairs, where a delicious aroma hits my nose.

As I walk toward the dining room, I see many kinds of food on the table ready to be consumed. I look toward the kitchen and see Lucina preparing another dish for us to eat. I sit down on the chair and wait for Lucina to finish her cooking.

A few minutes later, Lucina finished her cooking and sat down on the chair near me. We eat all the food before walking toward the Dimension hopping room.

"Isaac. Before we go, could you tell me what kind of world we will be visiting?"

"Sure. This world is called the pokemon world. This world is created by a being called Arceus. When Arceus wants to create the universe, Arceus creates three creatures named Dialga, who govern over time, Pialka, who govern over space; and Giratina governs over Antimatter. While technically those three are the ones that create the universe but without Arceus, they cannot create the universe."

"I see."

"In this world, there is a creature named Pokemon. They are monsters that are roaming the world. However, unlike the monster in our world that cannot be tamed, Pokemon can be tamed and become our partner."


"Yup. Come on. We are going to do an adventure. You will know what kind of world we will be in when we arrive."

When we arrive in front of the Dimension Hopping room, I look at it and say.

"Pokemon World."

I don't ask for a specific place because I know that Pokemon world is a great world and all regions have their own uniqueness. When we see a portal appear, we walk inside the portal, and we can feel the world is changing.

When we go to the tree where the portal to go out, the pocket dimension is located. As we step outside the portal, we are in the middle of a forest. I look at Lucina for a second before taking out the broom we bought from the Harry Potter world and begin to fly high.

When I see a city not too far away from our location, I descend to the ground and say.

"Come on. I can see a city to our north."

There I take her to the city first to gather information. We don't have any ID to buy a Pokeball or any pokemon supply. I need to know if we could legally make an ID and if we cannot do that, then I need to search for an excellent illegal forger.

Anyway, we arrived in front of the city after fifteen minutes of walking. I look at the city gate and see that we are in Violet City. As we walk inside the city, I see many people crowded into a building not too far away from us.

I look at the crowd in confusion before walking toward a man not too far away from us.

"Excuse me. What is happening there?"

"Oh? It is the time of the year where the Gym Leader registers a new generation of pokemon trainers. You don't want to become a pokemon trainer? A boy your age usually wants to become a trainer."

"Sadly, we can't do that. We are an orphan, you see. We don't even have an ID because our village is in the middle of nowhere. We come here to search for a job, and if we are lucky, we could build a house in the future."

"Then you should go and register yourself as a trainer. It was free, don't worry. After you are registered, you will get a starter given by the League. However, don't get your hopes high as they will not give a rare pokemon as the professor gives to their sponsored trainer."

"Really? We could become a trainer without an official ID?"

"Yeah. As long as you are not a well-known criminal, you are good to go. They will ask you some questions, and they will use a Psychic pokemon to see if you are lying or not. They will know if you are a criminal. If you are not? Then you are good to go."

"I see. Thank you, sir. Sorry for taking your time."

"You problem, young'un. Many people from villages around the world come here to become trainers. After you become a trainer, you can search for a job around the city. The most common one is a delivery boy, where you will be paid a good amount of Poke Dollar for your job."

"Once again, Thank you, sir."

After waving at the old man, we walk toward the building where many people are queuing up. There are many people from the age of ten to a man in his mid-thirty. After waiting for thirty minutes, Lucina and I separate as Lucina walks toward the women's room, and I step inside the man's room.

The previous person who came inside the room has been taken out by what looks like a police officer.

As I walk inside the room, I see a man sitting down on the chair behind a counter, and next to him is a Kadabra standing there looking at me.

"Hello there. My name is Ralf, and this one is Chevy the Kadabra. Please take a seat."

As I sit down on the chair, I can feel energy probing inside my mind. When I feel it did not probe my memory, I decide to let it be and not strengthen my Occlumency.

"Then let us begin this interview. Are you ready?"


"Relax. As long as you are not a criminal, you will be doing okay. First question. Have you ever stolen something big?"


It was Yuka who did the stealing. The man looks at his pokemon, and when he sees his pokemon nod his head, the man writes something on his notepad.

"Have you killed someone in cold blood?"


Before I say that, I strengthen my Occlumency to fool the Kadabra. I really hope it works. When I saw Kadabra tilt his head, I began to panic. The man looking at his pokemon nodded his head and looked at me in the eyes.

"Have you witnessed someone get killed?"


"Are you thinking that it was your fault?"

"... Yes."

The man nodded his head and looked at me in sadness before writing something in his notepad.

"What is your reasoning to become a trainer?"

"I want to protect my loved one, support her and show her the world."

The Kadabra nodded his head. The man smiled at me and put down his pen.

"Good. The interview is over. Here, please fill this form."

I then begin to fill up a simple form that asks my name, birthday, birthplace, and where I'm from.

"Isaac Lionheart. A strong name, please wait here for a minute. I will come back with your ID and starter."

I see the man walk away from the room with his notepad before coming back three minutes later with a card and three Pokeball.

"Here is your ID. The ID will last for three years before you need to come back here or any other Gym in the region for your new ID. This ID also has another function as your bank account. You can take out money from any ATM nearby and deposit your money to a local bank. Please don't lose this card as you will find a huge sum of money before you could recreate it."


"Good. Now, this is your starter. Inside this Pokeball is Pidgey."

"Excuse me, but could I ask you something?"

"Of course!"

"I hear from the traveler that you can get a rare pokemon like Cyndaquill as my starter."

"Ah! Yes, you can, but sadly it was only available for a trainer sponsored by a well-known professor."

"I see. The same with Pokedex, right?"

"Yup. You could buy a Pokedex in the PokeTech, but it will cost you a bit of money. Pokedex has another function of a phone as well, so you need a good amount of money to buy it."

"I see. Thank you for everything."

"It is my pleasure. May we meet again when you decide to challenge Falkner for your first badge."

"See you."

When I walk away from the building, I see Lucina grin at me. I can see her have a belt around her waist, the same belt I have on me.

"What is your first pokemon? I get Zubat."

"I get myself a Pidgey."

"How about we have a battle in a few days? I will train my pokemon. You will train yours. I ask the good lady there about training your pokemon. She said that we could train our pokemon ourselves initially, but after our pokemon became bigger, she did not recommend it as they are MUCH more powerful than a normal human. Lucky for us, we are not a normal human, huh?"

"Really? Then I agreed to it. In seven days?"

"Seven days."

With that being said, we walk toward the pocket dimension to train and bond with our pokemon.