
He is the creature of Rebirth. He is the majestic creature of the Light. He is the creature of Fire. He is a phoenix. He is a Phoenix that has lived for a few centuries. While he is a young chick compared to the other Phoenix, he is still an old creature in the mortal eye.

Many mortals called him with many names, but in this reincarnation, he is named Fawkes.

Fawkes is the Phoenix that guards a place called Hogwart. He already stays in this land before the four chicks come to him and ask for his permission to build a school to protect other magical mortals.

He watched them build the school from the ground up and saw them teach and protect many more chick that come to their school to seek guidance and protection.

As the time flies by, the Wise Woman comes to him and asks him to become the school's protector. She wants to make him the school's protector that she and her friend built from the ground.

She says that all of her friends already choose their own guardian. The reckless man chose his trusted hat to filter all the future students coming to this school. The hat also will be the anchor to all the barriers around the school.

The cunning man chose the creature of Poison to guard the land against the outside force. He makes a cage for his beast deep inside the foundation of the school.

The kind woman chose to create a forest around the school and make a pact with the star watcher. She let the star watcher stay inside the forest she created using the Green Magic as their home in exchange for them to protect the school from any harm.

Now the wise woman chose him as the protector and the last line of defense against anyone trying to harm the school she and her friend create. Fawkes accepted her request and became the Hogwarts' guardian, the school, and home to the lost one after seeing her pure intention.

Fawkes watches the school like he is promised, and as time flies by, many of the guardians begin to forget their role. The hat begins to think that his only role is only to sort the student on which house they should go to. However, by abandoning his role as the barrier's anchor, the magic begins to take shape in the form of a semi-sentient being.

This is a good and bad thing at the same time.

The barrier can see which person has an evil intention to walk inside the school. It can banish them from the school ground. However, when someone decides to suppress and block the school magic, the school's barrier becomes weaker by 85% of its original, like what happened not too long ago.

His so-called master, Albus Dumbledore, decided to seal up the barrier and tie it into himself as he thought it was for a Greater Good. However, Fawkes knows the reason why he is doing that. Albus wants to control the barrier to do his bidding. He wants to make the school his own, and by sealing up the barrier and tying it into himself, he thinks that he is the school owner.

Fawkes is disgusted by his so-called master magic. His magic is too sweet that makes many untrained people think that he is a being of light, but he is the master manipulator in reality. Fawkes and any magic sensitive creature will know about the true nature of his being.

If not for his promise to the wise woman, he would have already gone from this place.

The Creature of Poison begins to lose its mind from being caged for a long time. It begins to think that its master is abandoning it and begins to search for a new master. So when that tainted child comes to the Creature of Poison, it quickly accepts it as its master.

The forest that the kind woman created began to be tainted by many creatures that did not belong to the place full of people. An idiot Giant with a kind heart decides to let an eight-legged creature make a nest in the forest taint the forest even more.

The star watcher forgets their oath and lets a dangerous creature stay inside the forest and think that they are the forest owner. Because they broke their magical oath, Magic takes what the most precious thing they have, their eyes.

They cannot see the future as clear as before. Their eyes will always be clouded and never see the truth. They only can see a little piece of the future, never to see the full future.

He wants to fly away from this place, but his promise, his oath, make him stay in this place. He doesn't want to break his oath and lose his gift of Rebirth. However, the longer he stayed here, the quicker his circle of fire started.

Initially, he only needed to do a circle of fire every decade, but his Circle of Fire shortens into once every month with all the dark magic around him.

One day as he continues to watch the school like usual, he feels magic in the world begins to shift. Fawkes closed his eyes and began to feel the magic around the world before opening his eyes. He knew this feeling. It was the feeling of Death.

The last time he feels this feeling is the time of Death gives a gift to the Idiotic Trio. It was the time when Death searched for his chosen one. The one that carries its will. The one that hunts down the mortal that cheats it.

That day, Fawkes fly high in the sky and look at one of the houses owned by the two of the Lion cubs. He watches a baby with green eyes born into this world with the presence of Death around the baby.

He watched as the two lion cubs named the baby Harry James Potter. He will remember his name as he will be the one who carried the will of Death. He will make sure the littlest cub stays alive before he can fulfill Death's will.

However, one day as he was spying, the bearded manipulator listened to the fake Future Gazer. She tells the fulfilled future to the bearded manipulator, and to his surprise, the bearded manipulator believes her.

Like his namesake, the manipulator begins to manipulate the people around him, and when he tries to manipulate the Lion cub, Fawkes knows that it will start something bad.

True to his prediction. The bearded manipulator tries to manipulate destiny. He positioned himself as the most powerful mortal on this island. He frames an innocent man, makes a Death envoy into a martyr, and manipulates the same envoy to do his bidding.

He fears what Death has in store when its envoy dies before his time. Before he fulfilled his duty. Fawkes already tries his best to prevent the envoy from dying before his time, but his patience is limited. While he like the envoy as he can feel his pure magic, but he will not torture himself by getting closer to the taint on his head.

One day, while he is doing his duty of watching the school, he feels the magic around the world changed. It was something he never felt or saw in his life. Fawkes walks to the window and begins to fly away from the school and arrive at the lonely village near the school.

He made himself invisible to the others and landed on the inn's window in the lonely village. He can see the Death envoy sitting on the table chatting with his companion but right now, he comes here not to see the Death envoy but rather to see the source of the change in world magic.

When his gaze landed on the silver-haired young man, he knew that he was the source of the change in world magic. He activated his all-seeing eye and widened his eyes. However, he widened his eyes not in surprise but in fear.

What he is in front of him is a massive being hugging the silver-haired man. The being has a black cloak that covers all its body. The only thing that is shown to him is a skeleton hand that hugs the silver-haired man. He knows who is that being in front of him. It was Death. The beings that already exist even before time exist.

A being that is so powerful that even Gods fear it. The being that cannot be killed as Death cannot be killed.

He cannot move his body as he sees Death in all its glory hugging the silver-haired man in affection.

When Death was looking at him in the eye, Fawkes deactivated his eyes and immediately flew away from the silver-haired man. He doesn't know the silver-haired man's relationship with Death, but one thing he knows is that he will never offend him and his loved one.