

I grin a little when Jojo charges at me and attacks with a quick attack and wing attack. I'm proud of my pokemon growth. Not only for his growth in power but also for his physical growth. When I wake up from a grueling training, I see Jojo grow in size overnight. The same with Uni.

When I first got Jojo, his height was around 35 cm while Uni was about 80 cm. However, after intense training and a good night's sleep, they grow in size. Jojo grows to 75 cm while Uni grows to 1.4 m.

Seeing their growth, Lucina and I decided to have a quick spar. So here we are.

"Stop. Good job, Jojo. You already grow into a strong pokemon, huh~."

"Pi! Pi~."

I smile a little before giving him a head pat. I can see Lucina and Uni still having a spar on the other side of the room. Seeing them busy, I decided to let them be and walk to the kitchen. I put down Jojo on the table and walk toward the refrigerator.

"Jojo, Do you want to eat fish? Or you want to eat some berries?"

"Pi~ Pi~."

"Fish it is then."

I smile a little when I hear Jojo start to sing while waiting for his food. After fifteen minutes of cooking, Lucina and Uni walk inside the kitchen and sit down on the chair while she places Uni on the table next to Jojo.

When I finish cooking all the food, I place down the food in front of Lucina, Uni, and Jojo before sitting down on the chair next to Lucina and eating the food.


It has been a week since we got our starter pokemon. Jojo has evolved into Pidgeotto, and Uni has evolved into Golbat. However, unlike a normal Pidgeotto and Golbat, both Jojo and Uni are massive.

Jojo stood in front of me proudly with a height of 1.6 m tall. If he stretches his wings, it reaches more than two meters long. The same with Uni. She stood in front of Lucina with a height of 2.2 m tall, and if she stretched her wings, it reached three-meter long.

Right now, we are in the Pokemon Gym to do an official battle. The official battle is a battle where you will fight in the Pokemon Gym in the local city. The official battle is the battle among trainers in the game.

In the official battle, the loser needs to give the winner money like in the game. Not only that, the official battle is a battle that is recorded by the Gym. You need at least 10 official battles before you could challenge the Gym Leader in the amateur stage. Oh? Did I forget to tell you that the game is wrong? Yeah. In the game, you could immediately challenge the Gym leader after beating the minion but here? You can't do that.

You need at least 10 official battles in your pocket before you could challenge the Gym and get your badge. There is also the next stage of the Gym battle. Amature, Mid-Class, and High-Class stage of Gym battle. You need to collect the High-level badge before you could challenge the pokemon champion. At least in the Johto region. I don't know about the other region, but I think it is the same.

"Are you guys ready?"

I snap from my thoughts when I hear the referee saying something. I look at Jojo, who nods at me before I nod at the referee.

"The fight will start in 3… 2… 1… Go!"

After the referee says go, Jojo immediately flies toward Uni.

"Jojo! Sand Storm, Wing attack, and Quick Attack."

Hearing my word, Jojo began to create a sand storm around Uni. As the SandStorm reduces Uni's vision, I can see Jojo's wings begin to glow, and suddenly he disappears from his position and appears near Uni. Sadly, Uni already uses a Quick Guard to block the incoming attack and use her wing to attack Jojo. However, before the Uni wing attack could touch Jojo's body, Jojo raised his claw and blocked the incoming attack.

Just like that, both Jojo and Uni begin to do a close combat fight. They use their claw, wing, and beak/fang to attack each other.

When I saw both Uni and Jojo do a close combat fight, I did not give a command. This is one of the things that I teach him. I will not always give him a command, so he should use instinct when I did not give him a command.

I think it is dumb to make the pokemon only listen to our command, and when we did not say anything, they stopped attacking.

Anyway, the close combat is over after a minute of a fast-paced fight between Uni and Jojo. Uni pushed Jojo away from her. As Jojo gets thrown away from Uni, he immediately casts an Air Slash and creates an Air Blade that flies toward Uni.

Seeing the incoming Air Blade, Uni also makes her own Air Slash move to attack the air blade, but after she casts the Air Slash, she opens her mouth, and suddenly she releases a screeching sound.

While the screeching sound did not affect me, but it affected Jojo as I can see he is wobbling a little. Seeing Jojo is affected by the Uni attack, Lucina orders her to attack him. Jojo, who was still affected by the sound, did not see Uni coming and got bitten by her.

I can see Uni releasing a purple substance from her fang. I know that Uni uses a poison fang. I widen my eyes when I see Uni shine a little. I look at Lucina, who has a smug expression.

"I see Lucina teach Uni to combine Poison fang and absorb. Jojo! Feather Dance and then Twister!"

Some of Jojo's feathers begin to fly away from his body and stab Uni's body, making her release her fang of Jojo's body when she screams in sudden pain. However, Jojo did not stop there as he flapped his wings, and suddenly a small tornado appeared and threw Uni away from him.

"Tailwind, Mirror Move, and Wing Attack."

Jojo's tail begins to glow before suddenly a whirlwind appears around his tail, his wings also begin to glow a little before he flies toward Uni. In a second, Jojo appears in front of Uni and attacks her with his wings.

I can see Jojo successfully hit Uni with his wing attack, but to my surprise, Uni already cast a quick guard making Jojo's attack not so effective anymore. When Uni blocks Jojo's attack, she grabs one of his wings and casts a Venoshock at him in a point-blank range.

The Poison quickly covers Jojo's body. Jojo quickly pecks Uni in the head a few times before Uni releases him away. As he gets away from Uni, he begins to shake the poison away from his body.

Jojo stretched his wings and released a massive gust of wind toward Uni. Not stopping there, he began to release a continuous wind blade at Uni.

Uni successfully dodges some of the attacks, but she cannot dodge or block all the attack as some of it hits her body. Seeing Uni busy blocking and dodging his attack, Jojo flies toward Uni at high speed with his wing shining in power and attack Uni right on her body.

However, instead of getting a knockout, Uni successfully lures Jojo and lock his movement by holding his wing and claw using her wing and claw before sinking her fang into his body. Her body glows once again, and I can see her body slowly healed.

With all his body poisoned and Uni fang in his body, Jojo begins to lose consciousness. When Jojo is knocked out, Uni releases his body and bows a little.

"Winner! Lucina MacGrath with her Pokemon Golbat named Unire!"