Before I could run out of the building, my mother took my hand and said,
"Where do you think you are going?"
I look at my mother and say.
"I'm going to help them."
"This is not your war, Isaac."
"I know, but there is nothing wrong with fighting to protect the innocent."
I look my mother right in the eyes while I say that. Finally, after a few seconds of looking at each other, my mother sighs before saying.
"You are just like your father. Go. However, promise me that you will return."
"I promise, mother."
"Then go"
I nod my head and take out my weapon and armor from my inventory. I give Lucina her twin ax, and I also give Balmung to Eli.
"Before you say something. No, I did not give these weapons so that you can join me. Please use it to protect the other. I will go out alone and no Lucina. This time I want you to protect the other."
I use a stern voice when I say it to Lucina. I know her Dwarves blood demands her to come with me to fight the highlander. I cannot let her do that. Not with the other here.
"Thank you."
I equip my armor and look at Lunaria.
"I'm sorry to ask you this, but can my family stay here for a moment?"
"Of course. This is the least thing we can do for someone who wants to help even though he did not need to get involved in this mess."
"Thank you."
With that being said, I walked out of the Rune Shop.
|3rd POV|
Fitcher looked at the cloud in the distance with a frown on his face. It has only been a few days since the highland got attacked by the New State Army, but it looks like it did nothing to delay the attack on the Dunan Castle.
"By the look of the banner, they are the 3rd division of the Highland Royal Army. However, the size of the army is wrong."
"There is another banner flying behind the first banner."
Fitcher tense up and looks to his right. Standing near him is a young man wearing silver armor that matches his long hair. This young man is Isaac.
"Who are you?"
"Isaac. Isaac Lionheart."
Fitcher widens his eyes and looks at the young man from top to bottom. This is the man that helped the New State Army in its early days. He is the reason why there is only a minimum of casualties in the New State Army.
"Do you know which banner it is?"
Fitcher snaps from his thoughts and looks at where Isaac points with his binoculars.
"It was the 4th division."
"I see. With Kiba Windamier and his son Klaus Windamier, do you think the New State Army can win the fight without any preparation?"
"No, they can't."
"Then we need to alert them."
"I can't. I have a responsibility to protect this city."
That is what most people did not see in Fitcher. He looks like a weak and cowardly person on the outside, but the truth is that he is anything but a coward. Yes, he is weak in physical strength, but he is not a coward.
He is willing to put his life on the line to protect the city he currently governs. Even though he is only a temporary mayor of South Window, Fitcher still thinks that this city is his responsibility.
"Then you did not have to worry about it. They will not attack us. They will only place a few hundred or maybe a thousand soldiers to make sure we do not flank them. They cannot risk besieging South Window city with their backs against the New State Army. However, they can show their back to us because we did not have the number that could beat them."
Fitcher nods his head in understanding. The highlander did not have enough resources to besiege two cities. Especially with Dunan City in their back. The place where the main army of the New State was located.
"I can see it."
"Then the only one we need to warn is the Dunan city. I know that they will know about the movement of the Highland army, but it is good to give them a warning earlier."
Fitcher nods his head before looking at Isaac and says.
"Then I will leave this city to you, Sir Isaac."
Isaac choked the water he currently drinks when Fitcher said that. He coughs for a few seconds before saying.
"You are Isaac Lionheart, the person who volunteers in fighting the General of the Highland 4th Division Army, Solon Jhee. You are the one that heals all those people that get injured in the war. You are the one that builds the housing necessary for all the refugees. Even to this day, Lord Riou is still searching for you."
Isaac looked at Fitcher for a second before sighing. He never thought that Riou was searching for him. He knows that he leaves without saying goodbye, but he never thought that it would impact Riou that badly.
"Very well. I will protect this city in the name of Lionheart."
"Thank you."
"Thank me after the highland is gone. I predict they will arrive here tonight and will make a camp around here. You have a few hours before their scout can notice you. Then, take the fastest horse you can and ride to Dunan."
"Then before I go, let me announce your presence to the troops."
"Are you sure you're leaving them at my command? I'm nothing but a stranger to them."
Fitcher shakes his head and says.
"No, they know who you are. Most of them are the people you saved. Even the captain of the city guard is the one you saved in the past."
"I see"
"That is why you did not need to worry for them to disobey your order."
"Then lead the way."
"This way"
With that, Fitcher takes Isaac to the barrack, where they are greeted by a soldier that is already ready to go to war. Some of those people widen their eyes when they see Isaac as they still remember the man that saved their life.
"Men! This is Isaac Lionheart! He will be the one that leads you defending the South Window city. He will be the acting mayor of South Window City for a few days. The reason? I need to tell the New State Army in Dunan castle about the movement of the Highland. The highland scout and army have shot down every bird we sent to them. Because of this, I need five of you to come with me with the fastest horse we have. We will use the mountain route to avoid the highland."
After saying that, Fitcher points five soldiers to come with him and order the stable boy to get the fastest horses. While some of the soldiers are curious about why Fitcher needs to go telling the news himself, most of them already know the answer.
The highlanders already try to use the South Window uniform to spread fake news. While not all of them succeed, some of them are. For example, two River City lost a few hundred of her soldiers because of the fake news, and because of this, the only people trusted to deliver key news are well-known people.
"Sir Isaac, I leave the South Window city at your hand."
"Leave it to me."
With that being said, Fitcher and his guard begin to ride to Dunan City.