"Can you tell me how much money is in this card once again?"
"One billion yen."
One billion yen? What the hell! I know he is rich, but I never thought that he could throw away this much money.
"Are you sure? This is one billion yen worth of money, you know."
"Meh. I still have more."
I scratch my head and take the card in front of me. I don't really understand the thinking of rich people.
"Then I will gratefully take this card."
"Good! Now, as for the Grimoire. Please follow me."
Lucina, Kuroka, Ophis, and I follow Azazel, and after a few seconds of walking, we arrive in the basement, and we go to one of the rooms in the basement. When Azazel opens the door, I can see a mountain of books inside the room.
I can feel mana inside one of the books. That is really interesting.
"These are all the books I can give you. However, I must tell you that among those books, there is a magical Grimoire."
"What is the difference?"
"Magical Grimoire is a book that contains a little bit of its user magic. Like this one, for example."
Azazel takes out a massive book from the pile.
"This Grimoire was once owned by Merlin."
"The creator of Modern Magic?"
"That is right. Most of the spells in this book need a high amount of mana to use, but it compensates for it with firepower. Most magicians in this era use an alteration of the spell in these books. The difference is that the modern spell tends to be weaker, but it did not require much mana from the caster."
"I see."
"Anyway! What makes the Magical Grimoire unique is because it can transfer all knowledge inside it to you, unlike the other where you need to learn it from the beginning."
"I see. That is good then."
"Yup. It also can be used as an emergency mana reserve. It can store a good amount of mana inside for you to access. Not only that, once the book is bonded to the owner, it will never leave them and will not give the other the knowledge inside the books."
"Wait, if it is like that, then why do you give it to me?"
"This book is not the original. This is only a copy of the original. I personally copy all the knowledge inside the book into this newly built Magical Grimoire."
"How? You said that it would not give anyone the knowledge inside the book other than its owner."
"Well, my boy, when in doubt, uses more power. There is a reason why people say 'Might make right' after all. As long as you have enough power, you can do anything you want. Especially on this side of the world."
I stay silent when I hear Azazel say that. While it sounds like a barbarian kind of thinking, he is right about that. As long as you have enough power backing you, there will be no one questioning you.
It is especially true in the DxD world.
"Fair enough."
"Great! Now, where do I need to deliver all this?"
"No need."
I take out the trunk I get from the Goblin in the Harry Potter world and open it. I then begin to levitate all the books inside the trunks. I will sort the books later. For now, I need all of them inside.
I look to my side and see Azazel look at my trunks with the eyes of a mad scientist.
"A pocket dimension? No. Hmmm… The space inside the trunk is expanded by a hundred… No… Two hundred times its normal size. It maintains its size because of a rune carved into the wall of the trunk. The rune has a job as a mana absorber and transporter. Fascinating."
I ignore Azazel and continue to put all the books inside the trunks. After a few seconds, all the books are safely stored inside the trunks.
"It is nice to do business with you, Azazel."
"Heh. Think nothing of it. However, before you go, I need to ask you something."
"Of course."
"Are you a member of Ophis's little group?"
I shake my head and say.
"No. Lucina and I are not members of the Khaos Brigade."
Azazel looked at me in the eyes for a few seconds before nodding his head.
"Very well. I don't want to kill you if you are a member of the Khaos Brigade."
"Don't worry. However, I recommend taking Vali away from the Khaos Brigade. They will do something stupid in the future, and I don't want your foster son to suffer a bad reputation when the Khaos Brigade does something stupid."
"... What kind of stupid thing will they do?"
"Using the power of Samael to steal Ophis's power."
When I say that, Azazel widens her eyes while Ophis tilts her head in confusion.
"Yes. Let's say that they successfully persuade Hades to release Samael for a moment."
"Also, do you know the real leader of the Khaos Brigade?"
"No. It was Vali's grandfather. Rizevim Livan Lucifer. He is the one pulling the string from the back."
When I say that, Azazel begins to look serious and mutters something.
"... What is his end goal? Rule over the underworld like his grandfather? Declare war against heaven like in the past?"
I decide to interrupt Azazel by saying.
"He wants to cause as much Chaos as he can."
"He did not want to rule the underworld. He wants to cause as much chaos as he can before he goes to the other world."
Azazel looked at me in disbelief. I guess I can understand him confused at what I'm saying. Rizevim is the son of the original Lucifer, after all. Azazel though that Rizevim only wanted to take back his father's throne once again.
Sadly, Rizevim is a twisted individual. A normal person cannot comprehend what he is thinking. However, there is one thing clear. He wants to spread as much chaos as he can in this world to show the world that he is the real devil.
"He did not care about Ophis's goal of reclaiming her silence and only used her because of her title and power."
I shrug my shoulder and walk away from the room, leaving Azazel in his deep thought. After leaving the room, Kuroka teleported us toward the alleyway where my pocket dimension is located.
I already said my piece to Azazel. It is up to him if he wants to take action against the Khaos Brigade or not.
~Later that night~
I pat Ophis's head, who decides to make a nest on my lap while reading the Grimoire I got from Azazel. I must say that Merlin in this world is a genius. Not only in magical knowledge but also potions and mind arts.
When I bind the Grimoire by giving my blood to the books, a stream of knowledge appears inside my head. There are so many spells I can choose now. From Elemental spell to Olympus Magic.
While I get the books' knowledge, I still need to train in using a magic circle. If Intent and Will fuel the magic from the Harry Potter world, this world magic is fueled by formula. The magic from this world is more powerful than the magic from the Harry Potter world, but it also needs a lot more magic to cast than the one from the Harry Potter world.
I snap from my thought and look at Kuroka, who walks toward Ophis, who look at her and tilted her head.
"Ophis-sama. Your presence is needed. I received a call this morning from Rizevim summoning all Khaos Brigade members to the headquarter tonight. He said that Cao Cao has a way to summon Great Red in this world."
I can see Ophis did not want to go, but when Kuroka said Great Red, she began to think twice before nodding her head. However, before she could go, I say.
"Ophis. Before you go, I must say this. Don't trust Rizevim and Cao Cao. They will be the one that steals your power."
"I can't say how I know this, but please trust me on this."
I nod my head and take them both away from my pocket dimension and see them teleported away.