I look at the newly built farmland in front of me with a smile on my face. I don't know how long it will take to grow a stable food production if I don't learn how to use Green Magic. Hell, if I don't go to the Harry Potter universe, I don't think I can have a steady supply of food that the local people produce.
The north is a hard place. The land is not fertile. It can still grow some vegetables like potatoes, but it grows slower, and it did not yield a good harvest. The only thing we can do is to trade our iron and other metal to the other country, and in exchange, we get their food.
Green Magic is really a boon to my family and me.
"Ayas, Do you think we should expand our farmland once again?"
"Hmmm? It is up to you, my lord. If you want it, I will order some workers to begin the construction."
"Hmmm….. I think we should expand the farmland."
"Can I ask the reason why?"
"Have you heard the news about the Crop Failure in the south?"
Ayas tilted his head before widening his eyes and said,
"Ah! As Expected of you, my lord."
"You want to do what they do to us, don't you?"
"That is correct. I want to sell them the grain we have but with four times the price we usually sold to the eastern people."
"Let them taste their own medicine."
"That is correct."
"Then how about the people that do nothing to us?"
"We will do the same. We are a fair people, after all."
I wince a little when I see that scary smile on Ayas's face. It is disconcerting when an elf has the same smile as the joker on their face.
"Then, my lord, let me handle all of it."
Let me tell you something. Never get in the way of Ayas when he plans to increase the money in the vault. He has a fetish for seeing gold gathering in one place. He did not have an urge to take it, but rather he was turned on when he saw a pile of gold piling high to the ceiling.
Elf has a weird fetish, man. Ayas' wife has a fetish for being fucked in the middle of the forest, where many animals can see her mating with Ayas. She hates beastialty, but for some reason, she gets aroused when animals watch her. She also hates when other people other than her husband see her naked. However, when an animal does it? 100% okay. What the hell, man. I thought we humans have a weird fetish when we invented bondage but nope.
I shake my head and discard that dark thought.
|Ginerva Lionheart|
"Come one, dear sister. Thrust harder!"
My name is Ginerva Lionheart! I'm the little sister of Northern Hero Isaac Lionheart, my bestest super awesome brother!
Right now, I'm inside the place big bro power created! It was awesome! There are so many things inside the house that make me want to test them out. However, there is some room that I cannot walk into.
Sister Luci says that I cannot walk inside the room called the Silent Room. She said that it was the room to improve someone's mentality. She says that it was a room of absolute silence, and everyone that comes inside cannot use their sense or something like that.
I don't really understand! But when sister Luci says that it was bad then I will obey her word. I'm a good girl after all! Big brother and Mother said so!
"Ginerva, please pay attention to your enemy."
Ah! I forget I'm currently training with sister Luci!
"Sorry! Here I come."
I thrust my spear toward sister Luci, who blocked my incoming attack. Mother and Big brother decide I'm old enough to train. So we walk inside the world my brother created using his power and train inside the massive room he has inside his house.
"Good job, sister. However, your stance is too tense! A spear user needs to be quick as lightning. They need to either continue moving or become an immovable object if you decide to add shield as your side weapon."
"Speed! Right!"
"Then, let us continue our training, dear sister. We have already trained your arm for an hour. Now it is time to train your legs and stamina. Come on, follow me! We will run around the room for an hour."
~An Hour Later~
Currently, I'm lying on the ground, exhausted from the training. It was exhausting, but training with sister Luci is fun! We are not only running around the room! Sister Luci decided to train my reaction time as well!
She threw some plates at me to destroy. It was really hard not to stop while stabbing all the plates thrown at me.
"How are you, good sister?"
"Little tired, and my legs decide to sleep."
"Then we should get going. Isaac is cooking something."
Big brother is cooking?!? I quickly get up from the ground, take sister Luci's hand and begin to run toward the kitchen. Big brother cooking is awesome! It was so delicious I cannot stop eating it.
Especially this bread he called brownie! It was so good! I'm melting when I take it inside my mouth!
"Ah! Ah! Ah~ We should take a bath first, sister. Do you remember what Isaac says?"
"Bath first before eating! Come on! We should hurry up before mother takes all the food!"
"I think a good mother will not eat all the food, dear sister."
"You don't know that!"
I ignore sister Luci chuckling and run toward the bathroom where I need to clean myself. When I arrive inside the bathroom, I face a dilemma: Bubble Bath or Big Brother food. The first time Big brother and sister Luci took me here, he taught me how to use the bubble bath.
After thinking about it for a few seconds, I decided to take a regular bath. However, as I take out all my clothes, I remember that I cannot reach the water summoning machine!
"You should wait for me, dear sister."
"Come here. I will clean you up."
"En! Thank you, sister Luci!"
"It is my pleasure, dear. Come on, let us clean ourselves."
Sister Luci then began to clean me up. First, she cleaned up my head using something called shampoo. I close my eyes the entire time so it will not hurt my eyes. The first time sister Luci cleaned my head, I did not close my eyes and ended up hurting my eyes. Luckily it was not dangerous.
Then she cleans my teeth using a thing called a toothbrush and toothpaste. Sister Luci says that I cannot eat the toothpaste even though big brother says it was okay to eat it in small quantities, but he decides to risk it. He doesn't know if it will upset my tummy or not. So I did not eat it.
The last one is my body! She uses a thing called soap! It smells nice like the other bath tools! It makes my skin all glowing! It was really nice. Not only does it make my skin glow, but it also makes my skin go boing boing!
"There you are. Clean. Come on. I will help you put on some clothes."
Sister Luci then helped me put on some clothes. After putting on my clothes, I then run toward the kitchen leaving sister Luci, who needs to take a bath as well.
As I arrive in the kitchen, I can see mother drinking some tea and eating some cookies.
"Ah! Mother, it is not fair!"
"Hmm~ What is not fair, my dear?"
"You eat all Big brother's cookies!"
"Ohh~? Look like I'm."
Before I could say something, my brother said,
"Don't worry, dear sister. I already bake another batch of cookies."
Big brother Isaac is the best in the world!"