
So this is the day. The day expedition to kill the goblin has been making a problem in the area. This kind of problem should be taken care of by the adventurer guild, but sadly there is no adventure guild on the northern side of Vulux Kingdom.

When there is an adventurer in the area, they want to hunt some monster or animal that only appears on the northern side of Vulux Kingdom. Other than that, they will stay away from this area.

The reason is that this area is poor and too risky for them to live in. Not only for the monster that is roaming around the land but also the climate. The ever-present snow in the area makes this place not suitable for the adventurer to grow. They usually die from the snow when they hunt or die from a stronger monster than them.

There is also another reason why the adventurer is a rare sight in the northern region. The northern people cannot put up a bigger reward for the mission. Any lord in the north cannot spend their money carelessly because they need it for emergency food.

Many adventurers see the mission coming from the north as a joke and will not take it with a low reward and high-risk mission.

"You are ready, My Lord."

I snap from my thoughts and nod at the servant that helped me put on the armor. I then picked up the spear, the same spear my father used in his time. This is the heirloom of the Lionheart family since the beginning of the first head of the Lionheart family. While this spear is not a magical spear, it was made of a Mithril.

Mithril in this world is almost the same as the one in the Harry Potter world, but there is a slight difference between them. In this world, the mithril did not have an anti-magic property like the one in the Harry Potter world.

This Mithril is like the Valyrian Steel from the ASOIAF or GOT. Any weapon or armor created with this metal will never rust or lose its sharpness. While I never used any spear in my previous life, I still have the muscle and mental memory of Isaac Lionheart in spear art. I don't know what performance will be in the field, but I still have my magic even if I cannot use my spear.

I walk out of my room and see a beautiful woman standing in front of my room while carrying a little girl in her hand. My mother, Eveline Lionheart, nee Duchamp, and the one in her hand are my little sister Ginerva Lionheart.


"Isaac… Before you go, let me give you something."

My mother gave Ginerva to the wet nurse near her, took a red ribbon from her pocket, and tied it to my spear.

"This is the most prized ribbon I have. This ribbon is given to me by my mother, and my mother received this from her mother. This is the ribbon that gives luck to one that holds it. I want you to have this and come back to me safe and whole. I don't want to lose another precious person in my life anymore."

"I promise, mother."

I close my eyes when my mother takes my head and kisses my forehead.

"Remember our house word."

"Fierce, Loyal and Protective"

"Just like a lion. Now go and come back to me victorious."

I give a kiss on my little sister's head before walking away from the castle, where I see eighty people waiting for me in the front yard of the castle. Among those men is my uncle Lomun riding his trusty polar bear with an ax in his back.

"Isaac, glad to see you here. Are you finished saying goodbye to your mother?"

"Yes. Now it is our time to march."

I walk toward the horse that has been prepared by the stable boy for me and climb up on top of the horse.

"Move out!"

After I say that, the small army begins to move up toward the west, where we will fight against a tribe full of goblins.

~A few hours later~

After a few hours of marching, we arrive at the location where our scout says there is a tribe full of goblins inside.

However, to make sure, I sent another scout to see how many goblin types in that tribe.

There are many kinds of Goblin, and each one of them has a different class of threat. For example, there is a Goblin scout (E rank), Goblin warrior (E+ Rank), Goblin Archer (E+ Rank), Goblin knight (D Rank), Goblin mage (D+ Rank), Goblin general (C- Rank), Goblin king (C+) and Goblin Emperor (A-Rank).

The rank can be viewed like this.

F Rank: A beggar equipped with a sword can kill it.

E Rank: A fit man equipped with a sword can kill it.

D Rank: A soldier can kill it.

C Rank: A group of ten soldiers can kill it.

B Rank: A group of twenty soldiers needed to kill it.

A Rank: Need an army of fifty to two hundred to kill it.

S Rank: A nation-level threat, all the army in the kingdom needed to kill it.

SS Rank: A continent-level threat. Unknown level of power needed to kill it.

SSS Rank: World-level threat. Pray to your god.

While Goblin is weak individually, their real strength is in their number. It is rare to see a lone goblin roaming around; there must be at least five or so goblins following the first one.

So while their rank is low individually, their rank is increasing by one when they are together. So if there is a tribe of goblins nearby, there is a chance that it has a goblin king inside. That is why we bring eighty men with us.

Anyway, after waiting for fifteen minutes, the scout came back and immediately reported the situation.

"My Lord! This is a large tribe, and most likely, there will be a Goblin king in this tribe!"

"I see… Is there any spot for our archer?"

"Yes, my lord. The tribe is located under a small cliff. First, however, they need to walk around the goblin tribe."

"I see. Uncle Lomun, what do you think? Should we send the archer ahead of us first?"

I look at the man that is sitting on top of the bear listening to our conversation.

"Hmmm. I think they should. Is there any way we can see them when they arrive at the goblin nest?"

"Yes, Lord Lomun. We can see the people above the cliff from where we should be arriving."

"Then we will send them ahead of us. We will then begin to march once again five minutes after they go. We don't want to alert the goblin with our presence. What do you think, Isaac?"

When uncle Lomun looked at me, I nodded at him before saying.

"Then we will send our archer first."

"Very well."

I then look at the captain in the archer group and instruct him to follow one of the scouts and when a group of goblins attacks them, kill them quickly and if they can't do that, blow the horn. I also instruct them if they see us, they will immediately prepare to fire their arrow, and when the horn from our side is blown up, they will open fire.

After saying that, the archer then begins to move. They move like an assassin. Silent and hard to detect. The reason is that they are mostly former hunters that decide to join the army.

After five minutes of waiting, we slowly move up toward the goblin nest, and after slowly walking for another five minutes, I can see a village of goblins in front of us. When I see the goblin nest, I order one of the soldiers to blow the horn. When the goblin hears the sound of the war horn, they immediately charge at us.

However, because they focus on us, the archer on top of the cliff easily kills the goblin by shooting them in the back.


When I said that, the shield wielder began to create a protective formation in front of us while the spearman in the back killed the goblin using their spear.

"Goblin Mage!"

When I hear the archer saying that, I look at the back, and true to their word, there is a goblin mage preparing some spell to attack us.

"Shielder! Create a path for us! We will charge inside!"

The shield then begins to create a path for the cavalry by pushing the goblin away from them, and the spearman stabs the goblin that tries to run inside the formation.

When I see the path, I raise my spear and shout.
