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It has been three weeks since I arrived in this universe. I usually spend my time inside my pocket dimension, but sometimes I go to the leaky cauldron to eat some different food other than what I cook. I can cook, but I want some variety and taste some food other than what I cook.

Anyway, something is interesting about this universe. There is another prophecy born just before Harry Potter goes to Hogwarts. That is one thing that makes this universe different from the canon universe.

However, I am not sure I can help with this. The only reason why I come here is to learn some magic, and I'm doing just that. I'm not and will never go to Hogwarts, where there are too many death traps for my comfort.

From my time here, I have learned several useful tricks. The first one is the Blue Magic, also known as the magic of music. The next magic I learn from reading the book the goblin gives me is Druid Magic. It is the magic that commands over a plant. It can accelerate the growth of a plant to an unimaginable level.

And when I combine both Blue and Druid magic, now I can grow a plant using my voice. However, that magic is difficult as the Blue magic needs my emotion to create a certain effect. For example, if I want to destroy something, I need to sing a hard and fast song with angry emotion, and if I want to grow a plant using music, I need to sing something cheerful and upbeat with the emotion of happiness. If I use an angry emotion to grow a plant, it will result in an explosion that can damage my enemies.

Now I know the reason why the modern wizard and witches do not use Blue magic anymore. This is because blue magic takes time for its effect to appear, while your usual sleeping charm will take effect instantly. However, the difference between them is that Blue magic will last longer. Hell! The simple sleeping spell from the Blue Magic can last forever and can only be cured with a certain method.

On the other hand, the Druid Magic completely vanished from the Wizarding community because the minister in the past decided that Druidism is a dark art and should not be practiced because there is a ritual in the Druid skill set that needed a sacrifice of an animal.

From there, the teaching of Druid Magic is a 'Dark' art began to spread across the world, and suddenly Druid magic became a dark art even though it was not. I already glance over the dark arts, and I must say that it was disgusting. There is this ritual of creating the nastiest barrier I see so far. It needed the blood of the virgin woman. However, to obtain that said blood, the one who wants to create the barrier needs R*PE said a woman and manually collected the blood. What makes me disgusted is that it needs a ton of blood, so you need to R*PE a hundred or so women to create this barrier successfully. Oh? I didn't tell you that the younger the woman is, the more powerful the barrier will be? The barrier makes you into a R*APIST, and this ritual also encourages you to become a pedo.

I want to learn about the dark arts because I want to protect my land in my world, but I don't want something this disgusting.

I want to learn Killing Curse because it was the most efficient spell to kill the opponent. No pain, Quick death, and do not leave any trace. This spell is created to kill the opponent in a duel and not to create everlasting pain as the other spell does. While it is considered the most sinister spell ever invented, I think this curse is pale compared to the ritual earlier.

This spell is also easy to use. It only needs a flick of your finger and the spell name. However, there is another thing you need before you could cast this spell. It would be best if you had extreme emotion. Sadness, Hatred, and Killing intent. Those are the emotions needed to cast this spell.

However, I must say that this spell consumes a good chunk of mana from my body. As a result, I can only use this spell five times before feeling my body weakened by mana's overconsumption.

The other dark spell I learn is Fiendfyre. Fiendfyre is a spell that summons an enchanted fire with immense heat and size that can swallow anything on its path. Once consumed, it is hard to control. You need to dominate it like a wild animal that only obeys the command of its alpha. If not for the books, I will get swallowed by my own spell. I can only tame the fire after I flare up almost all of my mana in the air showing that I'm its alpha that it should obey.

In my time in this universe, I also tried to plant the medical plant the goblin gave to me inside my pocket dimension, and to my surprise, it grew! The only reason why I plant these medical plants is that I want to test my Druid magic.

So I plant a good amount of medical plant seed on the field inside my pocket dimension.

Anyway, today is the day where I go back home and leave this universe. I already accomplished all of my goals here. First, a book that teaches me about magic be it in theory and practice. I also get myself a farm of medicinal plants that the local pharmacist can use to make medicine for a common sickness like cold and smallpox that usually appears in medieval times.

While I give them the recipe to create the potion, I will also make them sign an unbreakable contract that I will write myself saying that they cannot sell the plant and will not sell the secret about making the potion unintentionally or not.

Anyway, I walk toward the Dimensional jump room and say return before walking inside the room. A second later, I look around and see that my mansion has already changed into your modern-day mansion instead of the Victorian-era one.

I walk outside the mansion and walk to the biggest tree in front of the mansion. As I walk near the tree, I can see a portal appear on the surface of the tree. As I walk closer, I can see an option above the portal that says 'default.' This means that I have already gone for three weeks, like the time I spent in the Harry Potter Universe if I walk into the portal.

"One second, after I walk inside the portal."

This is the special ability this pocket dimension has. It can decide when I want to exit the portal. However, I cannot go to the past and the future. I cannot go back to the time before I walk inside the portal, and I cannot go forward to the future. For example, I cannot go forward to the time of four weeks since I walked inside the portal because I didn't spend four weeks in the other world.

When I walk toward the portal and touch it, I can feel the portal suck me in and let it suck in. Then, a second later, I'm inside my bedroom where it is the same as before the time I leave this place.

For now, I need to sleep because there will be a joint expedition between the Lionheart family and the Dalagull people. In addition, there is a nest of goblins to our west that needs to be destroyed, or they will grow in number and attack the nearby village.