
It has been a day since Riou and Appel arrived, bringing Shu with them. In these two days, I was busy helping the carpenter make the ship needed to ambush Solon Jhee. I'm the one growing the tree to create the ship while the carpenter makes the ship with the fisherman's help.

The volunteer who watched Highlander's movement reported that they would attack us earlier than we thought they would be. It looks like the Solon Jhee gets news of us gathering any remnant of Muse soldier and South Window soldier.

Right now, we are in the meeting room where we are discussing the movement of the Solon Jhee army. However, I did not see Riou and Nanami yet, which means he will be the last person to arrive in the meeting room.

True to my prediction, Riou and Nanami is the last one come inside the meeting room. Seeing Riou walk inside, Eilie walks toward Riou.

"Hey, Riou. Did you sleep well? The next battle will be riding on you."


Eilie and her sibling begin to cheer up on Riou and Nanami, who will be the ones leading the small unit to ambush the enemy general, Solon Jhee.

A second later, a soldier ran inside the meeting room and immediately said.

"The Highland army has arrived. It appears they are trying to surround the castle."

"Okay, it is time. Viktor, Flik, Tsai, and Isaac, are you guys ready?"

"Leave it to us."

"We will protect this castle."

"The Fire Spear is ready to use."

"Roger that."

Shu nodded at us before looking at Riou.

"What about you, Riou?"

Riou nods at Shu's question and says.

"Yes. I'm ready."

"Okay, begin the operation. The morning fog will conceal you from the enemy while you and your unit sail around the enemy. Move out!"

With that order, I walk toward my unit, where my unit and I will be the ones holding the vanguard with Tsai and his unit. Flik will be the one leading the cavalry, Viktor will lead a unit of footmen, and Apple will be the one leading the archer.

When I arrive, I see my unit waiting for my order. I take a deep breath before saying.

"Move out!"


Solon Jhee looked at the insect in front of him. They are grouping together in the corner of the land and decide to make it their base, just like cockroaches. As a human, it is his duty to exterminate all the insects that appear in his way.

"Move out! The enemy is an insect! They are cornered and think they can hold us back!"

However, one of Solon Jhee's lieutenants disagreed with his decision.

"Our flank is exposed and easily get attacked."

"They are just an insect that cornered. They are outnumbered! Their only weapon is a pointy stick! Attack them!"

Culgan looked at his general with a disappointed look. He knows that a cornered animal is the most dangerous as they don't have anything to lose. Culgan has a bad feeling in this fight. However, he cannot reject the order from the general, so he orders his unit to move out, leaving Solon Jhee and his unit alone in the back.

On the other side of the battlefield, Shu looked at the army marching toward their castle with a smile on his face. He is right about the Solon Jhee tactic. Solon Jhee sent South Window's soldiers first, followed by his main army in the back to hunt down any deserter.

She knows that Freed, already spreading the rumor about Solon Jhee, will execute every South Window soldier after this war. He can see the soldiers of South Window hesitate to march, and with the Highland soldier killing anyone that runs away from the battlefield, they know that the rumor is not a rumor anymore but the truth.

Shu knows for sure that the South Window soldier will change sides with a little bit of hope.

The person that will give that hope is currently lying in an ambush in the forest near Solon Jhee's unit. Riou already sailed using the boat Isaac and the carpenter created to the backline of the enemy. Shu hopes that Riou does not immediately attack the Solon Jhee unit as it will attract the other unit before they are close enough to the castle.

A few minutes later, the former soldier of South Window city is ready to attack, but before they charge at the North Window soldier, a war cry comes from the Highlander backline. The people look at the back and see Riou and his unit decide it is the time to attack.

Solon Jhee looks at the army that is attacking him and his unit.

"W…. What the hell !!!"

Solon Jhee snaps from his stupor before starting to give an order for his unit to create a defensive formation around him. However, this decision of his makes the situation even worse for him.

This order makes Solon Jhee and his army get beaten up by Riou and his unit. It makes him so beaten up he needs to use a defensive formation.

Because of this, the former army of South Window city looks at the 'beaten up' Highland general with awe and hopeful expression.

"The Highland army…. They are being beaten?"

Seeing the South Window army's surprised expression, Freed, who infiltrated the South Window army, shouted.

"Everyone look! Riou attacked Solon Jhee's personal unit!!! Lord Riou is the one that can lead us to victory! It is our chance to fight back! That's right! It's time to payback for what the Highlanders do to our home! It's time to pay back for what they do to our homeland! For our homeland, South Window!!!"

With that speech, the South Window army begins to see that it is their chance to fight back against the Highland.

"He is right!!! It is our chance to fight back!"

"Destroy the Highland Army!"

Shu smiles a little before suddenly says.

"Flik, it is your time to move. I want you to move out and help the Riou unit. Isaac and Tsai, I want you to help the South Window army to create a gap for Flik and his unit to move. Viktor, you stay here with Apple and me. We don't want them to take this castle."

Isaac, Tsai, and Flik nod their head before leading their unit to help the South Window army and Riou unit.

In a minute, Issac and Tsai's unit arrive in the frontline to help the South Window army against the Highlander army that tries to help their General but get stuck fighting against the South Window army.

When Isaac arrives in front of the enemy, he immediately reinforces his body with his magic and begins to stab and slash any enemy in his way.


When Isaac sees a sword coming from his left, he casts a Portego charm and blocks the incoming attack. This is one of a few spells Isaac learned how to cast without a wand. While it cost him a little more when he used it without a wand, but he still thinks that this spell is necessary to learn without a wand.

*Stab* *Slash* *Block*

Enemy after enemy fall by his weapon. Isaac can see many of his men get killed by the enemy, but he cannot do anything about it as he cannot get his attention away from the enemy. If his attention is away from the enemy, he is afraid he will get either stabbed by the enemy's spear or his head will get cut off.

Isaac continued to make a gap for a few minutes, and when the gap was created, Isaac shouted.


When he shouts that, Flik looks at his unit and gives his order.
