
I conjure water and place it on the bucket I borrow from one of the civilians outside the castle. Right now, I'm on the roof of the castle where many vegetables and fruit like strawberries are being planted here by me.

I planted these fruit and vegetables to let me practice my Green Magic and give the people here some job and food to eat. While there are many animals we can hunt and fish we can take from the lake, I want to eat some vegetables and fruit to balance my diet.

The soil I use has been enchanted with Green Magic's power, so any plant that gets planted inside will grow faster. For example, strawberries need three to four months to grow and are ready to be harvested, but with this soil, it only needs one month to grow and one more week for it to be ready to be harvested.

However, if I continue to use my green magic, I can increase the growth speed even more. If it grows and is ready to be harvested only needs one month and a week, then if I continue to use my magic, it only needs a few hours before it is ready to be harvested.

Fortunately, the spell to increase the plant's growth is an AOE spell so that I can grow all the plants five meters around me. I take some of the civilians to help me harvest all the vegetables and fruit and then transport it to the small storehouse filled with smoked meat or fish.

I carve a rune on the storehouse's surface with a chilling rune that I learn from the book I bought from the Gringott. While it was not perfect as I needed to recharge it with my magic every eight hours, it was good enough to make the vegetable fresh for a good time.

Because of this training, I can feel my magic increase for a good bit. I don't think I can rival the top tier magicians of this universe or the top wizard in the Harry Potter universe in terms of mana reserves.

However, I can feel that it grows slowly but steadily. I know that I sometimes need to reach Albus Dumbledore's level, but I know I will reach that level.

While I don't really like Albus Dumbledore's characteristics, I acknowledge that he is a powerful wizard. The most powerful one? I doubt it, but he is powerful, and I respect that. His personality? I wouldn't say I like it, but I can respect him as a powerful wizard.

"Sir! Sir Isaac!"

I snap from my thought and quickly put on my cloth and walk toward the soldier waiting for me outside the rooftop.

"What is it?"

"Sir Riou is back with lady Apple. Sir Viktor and Sir Flik are waiting for you in the meeting room."

"Of course. Lead the way."

"Yes, Sir!"

I follow the soldier in front of me and arrive in front of the meeting room. As I walk inside the meeting room, I see Riou, Apple, and Nanami already inside, having a conversation with Viktor and Flik.

"Isaac! It is to see you come here. Where is Tsai?"

I nod at Viktor before answering his question.

"Tsai is busy making some weapons for us. We get enough iron to make some sword and many spears from Coronet town."

"Good. Riou and Apple, you are back. How was it? Were you able to talk to that strategist?"

Apple walks forward and says.

"Shu promised to help us. He should be here soon."

"I guess the rest is up to this strategist of yours. But can we really trust him? He was banished after all…"

However, before Viktor could finish his sentences, someone walked inside the meeting room. The one that walks inside the room has the appearance of a young man with long silky black hair. This man is Shu, the strategist.

"If you don't trust me, perhaps you should leave."

Shu walks toward Viktor and says.

"If you want to win, don't question me again. If you can't do that, I will consider you an obstacle that needs to be removed."

Viktor looks at Shu with a shocked expression before looking at Apple and says.

".... Apple, I'm starting to see why he is banished…"

Shu ignores Viktor and walks toward Flik and says.

"Hey you, Blue-Boy. You're Flik, right? How many soldiers do we have?"

"If we add up all the former Muse and South Window soldiers plus many volunteers. We have around one thousand and five hundred people."

Wait a minute, one thousand? There are one thousand people taking refuge in the North Window? Huh. I know many refugees are coming to North Window from Muse and South Window, but I never thought it would be this much.

"We also get this castle. Isaac over there fixed the wall and gate so we can use them to defend this place. On the other hand, the Highlander army has increased its size to twenty thousand with the addition of all South Window army that was forced to fight for the Highlander."

Shu nodded at the Flik report.

"I've got a plan. If I recall, this castle played a key role in a counterstrike when the Scarlet Moon Empire invaded. I bring 500 soldiers I can recruit with me. Two thousand soldiers should be enough."

Shu placed his hand on his chin before looking at us.

"They may be twenty thousand strong, but they'll have to leave soldiers to man their garrison as they go. In reality, they only have ten thousand soldiers. They can move as they pleased. Furthermore, one-third of them are former South Window soldiers. Under the right conditions, we should be able to get them to join our side. If we could do that, we'd have a force of five thousand compared to their force of seven thousand. We have a good chance to win."

Viktor looked at Shu with an impressed expression. I must say that I'm also impressed by Shu's observation. While yes, Highland has twenty thousand armies in their possession, but they need half of it to defend the other region, so their enemy did not attack the hard-earned city they take.

With ten thousand people to defend their territory, they only have ten thousand people to bring with them into battle. Their main soldier consisted of seven thousand highland people and three thousand south window people. That is one thing that Shu wants to exploit. He wants to convince the South Window people to attack Solon Jhee and his army instead of siding with them.

"I'm impressed…. Listening to you, I actually believe we have a chance. But what is exactly the plan?"

Shu looked at Freed before saying.


"Yes, Sir!"

"Infiltrate the Highland army and spread the rumor that the Highland will execute all the soldiers after the war."

"I understand, sir!"

Shu nods at Freed.

"Everyone else will stay here and protect the castle. We've got to buy some time."

"What then? No reinforcements are coming, and I don't think Freed rumor alone will get the South Windower army to change sides."

"That is true, Viktor. The enemy undoubtedly tried to surround this castle. We will have a small unit work its way around the enemy and attack Solo Jhee's units from the rear. If we attack their general, their morale will be dropped. We should be able to get the South Window army to change sides."

Flik, who stays silent for a long time, decides it is time for him to talk.

"Wait a minute. This is a peninsula. How are we going to sneak around an enemy that has us surrounded?"

"The Highland Army has been only in land battles. They have no experience in the water. For Solon Jhee, water is just an obstacle. But we are going to use the lake to our advantage. We should be able to borrow some ship from the neighboring village to lend their ship."

This time I'm the one who decided to speak.

"We already have our own ship. We have seven fishing ships and two transport ships. I can create another ship if needed."

"Oh? That is good then. How big is this ship?"

"One of the ships can carry fifty people without their armor and weapons. This is for the fishing ship. For the transport ship, I can say that it can transport around a hundred or so people without their armor and weapon."

"Good. I want another three ships of this size. If you can make it bigger, the better, but make sure it finishes tomorrow afternoon. If you can only make the same size without passing the deadline, then do it, but the bigger, the better."

"Roger that."

I can hear Riou and Nanami talk to each other in excitement as Shu's presence here makes their chance of winning bigger and bigger. The previous hopelessness disappears when Shu arrives in this castle and explains his strategy.

"Okay. I'll take a chance on you."

"So who will be the one leading this small unit? Either me or Viktor…"

However, before Flik could finish his sentences, Shu said,

"No, I'm going to leave that role for someone else."

Shu walked toward Riou and put his hand on Riou's shoulder.

"Riou. I'd like you to do it."

Riou looked hesitant for a second before nodding his head with determination.

"Okay. I will do it."

"The key to defeating Luca Blight is literally in your hands. We're counting on you."


"Well, everyone gets to work. Freed, I'll help you to figure out what to say to the South Window soldier…."

Freed does a salute before shouting.

"For the memory of Lord Granmeyer! For the people of South Window!! I'll fight with all my power!!!"

"Okay, I'm counting on you."

Shu then looked at Viktor, Flik, and then me.

"Viktor, Flik, and…"


"... Isaac. Try to protect this castle."

We nod our heads as Shu looks at Apple.

"Apple, I want you to handpick three hundred soldiers from our army of two thousand. That will be Riou's unit."

"Yes, sir."

Just like that, the dying fire begins to blaze up once again.