
Urgh. I wouldn't say I like hangovers… I don't know if there is a way to beat a hangover with magic instantly, but I will search for it. I look to my side and find Lucina sleeping beside me. I smile a little before slowly walking away from the bed.

I take a look out of the window and see that the sun has just started to rise. I slowly walk toward the bathroom and fill the bathtub with water, and then warm it up. I clean my body first before walking to the bathtub and soaking my body.

While relaxing in the bathtub, I see a familiar fox appear on the window near me.

"Yuka, welcome back. How is the mission I give you?"

"It is doing good, master."

"So? Is there any news that I should know?"

"Yes. You know the human that said bad things to you?"

"Yes. What about him?"

"He got offended because the princess blamed him for what he did."


"He wants to go to war with you."


Is he an idiot? The winter is knocking at our door, and he wants to go to war?

"Yes. He already sent a letter to his uncle, the duke, asking his approval for this war. The official reason is that the Lionheart family is stealing their peasants."

I see… While the kingdom doesn't have a law that says the peasant cannot move out from someone's territory, but the kingdom also does not have a rule that says the lord cannot steal the peasant by using propaganda.

Because of this, the kingdom did not forbid a war between lords with the reasoning of peasant thievery. However, the one who wants to declare war needs the approval of a duke or the royal family.

"That means the war will likely happen. Haaa…. I really hate to do this."

I look at Yuka before saying.

"Yuka, I want you to do another hunt for me, but this time, I know which family will become your target."

"What about the gold I currently have?"

"Oh? Do you really get some gold from walking aimlessly? You did not take it from the peasant, right?"

"No! I got it from the city guard. This is the bribe money they got from many nobles selling some illegal items in the capital."

"How much did you get?"

"I don't really count it, but I think it was around four hundred thousand gold coins."

I whistle in amazement. I never thought that I would get that much from the city guard.

"Where is it?"


Yuka opens up a small portal, and coming from the portal is the trunk I got from the goblin. I take the trunk and put it inside my pocket dimension. After placing it inside my pocket dimension, I now know the exact content of the trunk. It has five hundred thousand four hundred and fifty gold coins inside the trunk.


I then take out another trunk from my pocket dimension and give it to Yuka.

"Yuka. I want you to track where his home is and then rob them blind. Please take their food supply and also their gold. If the trunk cannot fit all the items, you come back to me, and I will give you another trunk."

"Roger. It will take a few days. Will you be okay with that? I need to track all his treasure and food after all."

"Of course. My uncle and grandfather want to get back to the north as soon as possible, so we will ride to the north in a few hours from now or tomorrow if something is happening."

"Very well… Then…"

"Wait! I want you to prioritize his house food first."

"Of course."

"And lastly, if you finished robbing them, I want you to steal all their army weapons and armor. Then leave a message 'Winter is Coming' in the place where he can see it easily."

"Fufufufu. I like this one. Creating chaos and uneasiness to your enemy. Can I create more chaos?"

"As long as you did not target the peasant."

"Roger that. Then I will be going."

After saying that, I see Yuka is gone from the window. When Yuka is gone, I continue to enjoy my bath.

~A few minutes later~

After taking a bath, I walk out of the bathroom and see Lucina already waking up and sitting on the chair, watching the sun rising on the horizon. I smile at her and walk toward her and say.

"Hello there. Don't you have a hangover after drinking that amount of wine last night?"

Lucina looked at me with a smirk on her face before saying.

"Perk of being a Dwarf. We will only have a hangover for a few seconds before it's gone."

"Lucky. I hope I have that kind of ability."


"You should take a bath. I will make hot water for you."

"Really? Thank you."

I begin to fill up the bathtub once again and heat it up. I pick my soap and shampoo from the pocket dimension and place them near the bathtub. After heating up the water, I called Lucina and let her take a bath.

While waiting for Lucina to finish taking a bath, I take out my switch and begin to play some games. Around fifteen minutes later, Lucina walked out of the bathroom.

"How is it?"

"Could I keep the soap and shampoo?"

"I will give you one."

"Thank you."

We then walk toward the kitchen, where the servant looks at us with a surprised expression before they bow a little at us. I nod at them and ask them to make some tea and breakfast for Lucina and me.

"Hey, Isaac. Can I ask you something?"

"Hmmm? Sure, ask away."

"Will it be okay leaving the royal palace like that? While the other northern nobles also leave the palace with you, I know the southern noble will blame you for their action. While the other northern noble think their action is the sign of loyalty, the southern think their action is a rebel to their authority."


"Meh?!? Is that all you can say?"

I take a breath and look at Lucina before saying.

"So what should I do? Apologize to them? No. I, we, do nothing wrong. No rule says we should stay in the palace until the party is over. Also, rebelling against their authority? Even the king cannot take my title and my land with his authority without good enough reason. What can they do to me? Try using their army to attack my land? Good luck surviving the wildlife of the north. If they can survive the wildlife, then the climate will be their new challenge."

There is also the gate. A natural mountain formation that separates the north and the south. The only way an army can move is through this gate. They can try using the sea, but there is a place called the Boat Graveyard that separates the northern sea and southern sea. As the name implies, this place is the place where many boats either try to cross this place or someone gets lost and arrives at this place.

This place is filled with many big rocks that make navigating around this area really difficult. The rock and the wind that comes from the north also make the boat harder to navigate.

There is a reason why not many people are trying to invade the north.

"... I guess you are right."

"Yup. Don't worry about them or worry about whether they do something to the Lionheart family. I already made a promise to your father saying that I will make you happy, and I will do just that."

I smile at Lucina, who begins to blush at my words. She snapped from her thought when the servant arrived, bringing our breakfast.