Urgh. This is why I am hesitant to take the crown. There is too much responsibility! Look at that! I finished a stack of paper, and two more stacks appeared. It has been three months since my coronation, and I did not have a chance to get out of the palace and enjoy myself before an urgent report arrived.
There is too much trouble I need to take care of. What did the previous king and royal advisor do?!? Partying all day?.... Yeah, they do that… Dammit.
There is too much problem in the kingdom I need to do. From pirates to monsters, there are too many problems.
I'm fortunate to hoard all that gold from my pocket dimension because the gold needed to rebuild the kingdom is massive.
The first thing I do when I become a king is to fix this god damn city. The first thing I do is purify the curse the damned cast on the king and the city. After that, I decided to clean and fix the sewer system. I did not want this city to smell like shit.
I have thought of moving to the capital city, but I decided not to do it after thinking about it. The Sea Dragon City is too far away to be an effective capital as I cannot reach the south. The other city also did not have a good advantage like this city.
Drallac City is located in the middle of two rivers, and one of the rivers is connected to a sea and is being built on top of higher ground. It was also located in the middle of the kingdom, making it an even more perfect place to govern the kingdom.
So I decided to fix this city and even improve it. I choose to destroy the useless mansion near the capital the previous king owned and make it into farmland, where I hire the citizens of Drallac City to take care of the farm.
I also turn the dried-up goldmine into a cave that grows edible mushrooms.
I don't know if it was not discovered yet, or the previous advisor and king were just that ignorant because they did not think of using the cave not too far away from the city as a mushroom breeding ground.
Not only can it feed the citizens, but it is also a source of income.
Speaking of food, I also built more farmland around the city. The previous government thought that farming was for peasants, and because of this, they decided the baron and the knight house as the farmer. You can imagine how stupid it was.
They are fortunate to have really fertile land and can harvest a massive amount of food from the land. However, fertile land can lose its fertility, and when that happens, the kingdom collapses, just like what happened not too long ago.
They are desperate enough to attack their ally and vassal to get some food.
Because of this, I gave a royal order to make all the noble houses have at least one to five massive farmland depending on their rank. Baron needs one, and Duke needs Five.
After doing some study, I decided to make a fishing farm around the lake near the city. By study, I mean search for some answer from the internet inside my pocket dimension. I also use the small lake a few kilometers away from the city and build a fishing village there.
I usually let my people do it, but I decide to teach them myself because the people who know their stuff are busy with other stuff. They are rather successful doing their job as a fish farmer, but I will wait until harvest in a few months to see the final result.
The next thing I do is to regain some peace in my kingdom. Because of the food shortage, many people decide to become bandits and ruin many villages around the kingdom. Because of this, I order my army to patrol across the kingdom to hunt down the bandits roaming around the kingdom.
Other than bandits, there is also the problem of monsters. At least seven monster dungeons never get taken care of by the previous government near the city. If I did not find it sooner, a massive monster outbreak would come to the city.
I send some army and even conquer the dungeon myself, leading one of the groups. It takes a few days to exterminate all the dungeons. Sadly, there are casualties in this fight. Ten good men died from the traps and the monster inside the dungeon.
There is also the problem of pirates. They keep coming to my territory and causing trouble for the merchant coming here. Because of this, I decided to change the policy of dealing with a pirate. If, previously, I want my men to capture their ship and make our own, I decide to change it into a more aggressive stance.
Destroy them. That is the policy. Destroy first and if there is a ship that is still mostly intact and can be prepared, take them.
I also use all the power Richard has to search for their hideout. Cut their head, and their body cannot function. Richard already reported to me about a rumor of pirate recruitment and recently sent his men to infiltrate their rank and will report back in a few weeks.
I also need to fix the border town and village between the Holy Light Empire and us. I welcome the merchant coming to my kingdom, but there is not only a merchant coming. A group of bandits also want a greener pasture to hunt and a monster migrating from that place.
Because of that, I increase the security on the border by increasing the security there. Not only that, but I also built a fortress there to greet any bandit or monster coming from the Holy Light Empire.
Lucky for me, Duke Lampert is the lord who governs that area. After all, he is a well-known general, and bandits will be hesitant to attack boldly with his presence there.
Other than that, the reason why I build all that is to make sure what Eli said did not come true. She said that the Holy Light Empire would attack my kingdom and destroy it other than the north. With this kingdom is my kingdom now, I will not let that happen. If that happens when the previous king is in power, I will close my eyes and ignore it.
Urgh. Just thinking about another war already makes my head hurt.
"Dear Husband? Can I come in?"
I snap from my thoughts when I hear someone calling from the door.
"Come in"
As the door opens up, I can see Lucina and Eli walk inside my office. Even with their new status as the wife of a king, they still wear simple clothes. When I asked them about it, they said that simple clothes are more of their style and formal clothes hurt their body.
"Are you really that busy, dear? We have been calling you for ten seconds."
"Ah, sorry about that. I have too much thing in my mind."
"I see. Then how about we relax in the garden? Good mother is preparing a tea party for us. Don't worry. This is not a public tea party. This is a private tea party."
Yeah. I will think about work another day. Today I want to enjoy life with my family.