
"My lord! Please take the throne!"

I massage my head as I already feel the headache coming in. All the northern noble is standing in front of me in the throne room screaming at me to take the throne.

"Can I reject this offer?"

"No, can't do, my lord. You are the only one worthy of taking the throne for yourself. You are the conqueror of the south. You are the Silver Lion of the north. You are the Grandmarshall who defeated the Vulux army."

I release a tired sigh when I hear my grandfather's words. I really hate taking the crown. If I take the crown, I will be given a massive responsibility. Being a king is not an easy job. The only time being king is an easy job is when you are a tyrant or mad king.

Anyway, I did not want to sound arrogant, but I'm the only one worthy of being crowned as the king. The next one is Elizabeth, the former daughter of the former king. Lastly, the former Grandmarshall of Vulux kingdom, Duke Lampert Gideon von Vesper.

"Haaaa… Very well. I will take the throne."

After I said that, all of the people inside the throne room knelt and said.

"Long live the king!"


|3rd POV|

It has been a month since the civil war between the northern and southern Vulux Kingdom, or now it is called the Lorian kingdom. Lo comes from Leo, which means lion on the earth, and Rian is silver in the ancient northern language. Isaac is not the most creative in naming something.

With the newly established kingdom, Isaac is very busy. From giving his vassal a new land to punishing the other noble for siding with the mad king. However, what makes him very busy in the preparation of his coronation.

Ayas, who really like piling money, decide to use the full power of the northern vault to make Isaac's coronation as grand as possible. Isaac tries to say that he did not need to make the coronation a grand festival. However, Isaac's proposal gets turned down by all of his vassals and advisors.

As a new kingdom, they need to show the world that they are a strong kingdom. They already show the world that they are a strong military by winning the war, and now they need to show the world that they are strong in the economy.

This is the reason why Isaac hates taking the crown. There is too much politics he needs to understand and do.

Isaac releases another sigh, just about it.

He looks at the window of the royal palace and sees many people walking around the street enjoying the festival of his coronation. They are the same people that previously starved to death. They are the same people that are afraid to get out of their house because the previous king has lost his common sense.

However, instead of staying inside their home afraid of being punished by the new king, they joyfully celebrate their new ruler. Instead of cursing the new king, they give their blessing to their new monarch. They pray for him so he will live long.

If the word of Long Live the King has become a formality, the people say it from the bottom of their hearts.

"Your highness, the queen is ready."

Lucina Lionheart, the daughter of a small baron, has become queen of a nation. People have begun calling her a Valkyrie from what Isaac calls her on the battlefield. Isaac said that Valkyrie is a female warrior, and the people believe him. From that on, Lucina got a nickname, Valkyrie.

And that Valkyrie is currently wearing the most beautiful dress Isaac has ever seen. There is only one thing he can say when he opens up the door where Lucina is.


Lucina is currently wearing a silver and gold dress with a flower motif around it. She wears a newly crafted silver crown above her head and the same silver necklace.

Isaac takes her hand and gives it a light kiss.

"Yes. Very beautiful, indeed."

After complimenting his wife, Isaac gets away from her as the maid starts to take off her crown from her head. The crown is needed for the main event of the coronation.

Isaac will be given the crown by his mother, while the former Queen Dowager will give Lucina the crown. When the crown is placed on their heads, they are officially kings and queens of the newly formed Lorian Kingdom.

However, before going to the main event, they need to make a parade from the city gate and greet the people in the city. From a commoner to a noble, Isaac and Lucina need to greet them all.

Elizabeth will also be present at the coronation. Sadly, she did not get an important role because, technically, she is the king's concubine. Her ceremony will happen two days after the coronation, where both the three of them will do their marriage ceremony once again.

After the preparation is completed, Isaac creates a magic circle underneath them and teleports to the camp that was already prepared beforehand, where the other people already waited. Both Isaac and Lucina will be sitting on the carriage that will slowly get to the Throne Room, where the coronation will begin.

Guarding their carriage is the elite army that has been equipped with fancy armor. It was fancy armor, not durable armor, because they are more of a showing than fighting. However, even with that armor, they are still dangerous as they are an elite soldier fighting alongside Isaac.

A cavalry divided into two—one on the front and one on the back. Two units of infantry are the ones guarding the left and the right. Each of those units will be commanded by the lord from the north, including Lord Macgrath and Lord Duchamp, Isaac's Good Father and Grandfather.

"Please get inside the carriage, your highness."

Isaac and Lucina nod and get inside the open carriage. Isaac takes a deep breath before saying.

"Let's start."

After he said that, music started. A drummer and flutist begin to play music, and the parade begins to march. The tent is a couple of hundred meters from the city gate, and it only takes a few minutes to arrive at the city gate, where the happy cheering of the people greets them.

Isaac and Lucina wave their hands to the people that cheer for them. Isaac wants to give them a handshake, but he knows that he cannot do that. A security reason. While he can defend himself just fine, being attacked at your own coronation is considered a bad omen.

The parade lasts for an hour before they arrive at the palace, where Isaac and Lucina get out of the carriage and are greeted by a red carpet. Standing next to the red carpet is the knight who raises their sword high in the air creating a triangle with their sword.

Isaac and Lucina walk under the sword and get inside the palace. Waiting for the arrival of their new king is the noble of the Lorian kingdom. Eveline Lionheart, Isaac's mother, and Valerie Gideon, the former Queen Dowager of Vulux Kingdom, Standing next to the throne.

Isaac and Lucina kneel when they arrive in front of those two. The first one getting crowned is Lucina before Isaac gets crowned by his mother. After they get crowned, both of them get up and walk toward the throne.

Both Eveline and Valerie walk away from the throne and stand with the other noble. When the others see Isaac sit on the throne, the noble begins to shout.

"Long Live the King!"

"Long Live the King!"

"Long Live the King!"