I put another piece of raw tuna into my mouth and eat it. It has been an hour since the feast began. While it was not the same as the one Yasaka made for me, it was still a big feast. While the sake on the table is good, I begin to get bored only drinking it for the past few weeks.
However, I decided not to take my own drink from my pocket dimension because it was not polite.
When I hear the door open up, I see a group of people walk inside the room. They are the main cast of the DxD world. Rias and her peerage and Sona with her peerage. Of course, Azazel and Rossweisse also walk inside the room.
I don't remember if Rossweisse was already part of Rias' peerage, but now I know for sure she already became part of Rias' peerage, which is a shame. She is one of the most powerful Valkyries after all.
When Azazel's eyes land on me, I smile brightly at him and say.
"Ah! Azazel. It is nice to meet you here."
I chuckle a little when I see his shocked expression. I don't know if he is shocked seeing me or Ophis, who is sitting on my lap eating the sweet served to her.
"It's nice to meet you too."
Yasaka looks at me and says,
"Isaac, do you know Azazel-dono?"
"We did some business in the past."
"Yup. I sold him some Adamantium."
Yasaka looked at me with a shocked expression.
"Y-You had a legendary ore in your possession?"
"Have. I still have some Yasaka."
"I see."
While Yasaka says that, I know she will talk to me after the meeting. Anyway, I see the guest begin to sit down on the chair that the servant has prepared.
The first one to greet Yasaka is Azazel.
"It is good to meet you again, Lady Yasaka."
"Nice to meet you, Azazel-dono."
"Let me introduce you to my student. The first one is Sona Sitri, the President of the Kuoh Academy student council. She is also the heiress of the Sitri Clan of the Underworld. Next to her is her peerage. Tsubaki Shinra, her queen. Momo Hanakai and Reya Kusaka, her bishop. Tomoe Muguri, her knight. Tsubasa Yura, her rook. Genshirou Saji and Ruruko Nimura, her pawn."
Sona peerage members bowing at Yasaka after Azazel introduces them.
"The next one is Rias Gremory and her peerage. Akeno Himejima, Her queen…"
When Azazel mentions the Himejima clan, I can see Yasaka's face twitch a little. I guess she knows about the Himejima clan head order of Akeno hunting. That must be causing a huge headache for Yasaka because she did not want to have a war against the Fallen Angel.
"Gasper Vladi and Asia Argento, her bishop. Yuuto Kiba and Xenovia Quarta, her knight. Koneko Toujou and Rossweisse, her rooks. Lastly, Issei Hyoudou, her pawn."
Just like Sona's peerage, Rias's peerage begins to bow their head. After the introduction, Yasaka looks at Azazel and says,
"Now, the introduction is over. Can I ask the reason why you came here other than a school trip?"
Yikes. It looks like Yasaka did want to beat around the bush. Does she not like the devil in general? Or does she not like the devil coming here?
"We come here to ask for permission to use our magic and energy freely in this city. While the mundane people explore the city, I will train them in using their power. We also come here to give you the annual report of Kuoh Town."
Azazel's eyes land on both Rias and Sona, who take a stack of paper from their backpack. They then place it in front of Yasaka. Yasaka takes the piece of paper and begins to read it. The room stayed silent as Yasaka read through the report ignoring the uncomfortable expression Rias and Sona make.
This is a power move Yasaka does to show her guest that she thinks the paperwork is more important than them. The only ones that did not have an uncomfortable expression are Azazel, Ophis, and Me.
Lucina, Azazel, and I already experience this type of power move. As Ophis…. Well, she didn't care about anything that did not get her attention.
When Yasaka reaches the last paper, I can see she begin to frown. After a few seconds of reading the paper in her hands, she looked at both Sona and Rias before saying.
"Where is the report about the attack of Kokabiel? Or the attack of the Khaos Brigade?"
Azazel decided not to answer Yasaka's question and let Rias and Sona answer her question. I guess he did not want to carry the blame for both teenagers' laziness. The first one answering the question is Sona.
"We thought that because the situation is already over, you did not need to know about it."
"Not worthy? Kuoh is MY town. It was the town under my rule. The only one that can decide that is the Shinto Gods like Amaterasu-sama."
I watch Sona get berated by Yasaka with interest. I guess, in canon, Sona and Rias don't give their report because the Hero Faction already kidnaps Yasaka. After Issei rescues Yasaka from the clutch of Hero Faction, Yasaka feels indebted to Issei and decides to let both Sona and Rias not report to her about the situation in Kuoh.
"I thought Kuoh Town is ours."
Yasaka snaps her head toward Rias, who says that out loud. By the look on her face, I know she did not mean to say it out loud.
"YOUR town? Let me tell you something. You did NOT own Kuoh. Kuoh town was not owned by your brother, the devil, and most certainly not YOURS. We, the Shinto faction, own it. You are OUR guest. That town is rented to the devil. When we, the Shinto faction, rent that town to you, we said that you need to take care of it. However, instead of taking care of it, you decide to ignore it."
Yasaka takes a file from under the table and pushes it toward Azazel and his crew. Azazel takes it and begins to read it. I can see him wince a little after he read it. He passes the folder to Sona, who also starts to read it.
"That file is filled with the name of Stray Devil in Kuoh Town alone. One hundred and seventy-five stray devils in the last year. More than one hundred stray devils. This will not happen if you report about the stray devil to your brother and sister, but no, you did not. You don't even know there was a stray in the area. You did not patrol around the town to search if there is something wrong. Instead, you rely on a half-baked barrier around the town to give you a notice if there is anything wrong."
Yasaka takes a deep breath before continuing.
"Do you know how many humans and youkai died because of your ignorance? More than a hundred of them died! Do you know what is funny? Kokabiel and his group is the one that helps us hunt the stray devil in Kuoh. The same Kokabiel that you fought."
Huh, I don't know about that. I guess even Kokabiel hates the Stray Devil.
Anyway, after saying that, Yasaka gave a long sigh before saying.
"Denied. Your request to use magic and energy in Kyoto is rejected. I don't want them to use their power in the capital city of Youkai. If I found them using their power here, they would get thrown out of the city. I don't care about whether their brother or sister is Satan. They will be banned from coming here if they decide to break this order."
Azazel nodded his head in understanding. I guess Youkai and Shinto are not a faction to be underestimated. Even with Ajuka and Sirzechs as the leader of the devil, Yasaka did not fear them.
"Understood. I will make sure they did not use their power."
"Good, other than that, please enjoy the feast."
I decide to ignore it and continue to enjoy the drink being served to us. It was not our problem after all.