
I feed Ophis cookies with my right hand while reading the Grimoire with my left hands. It has been three days since the day Ophis to my pocket dimension alone.

I don't know what to think about Ophis. If I did not know her beforehand, I would think she is a Kuudere kind of a kid that wants her parents' attention by making a small gesture. She wants her parents' praise and affection by being cute without even trying.

Because of this, Lucina unofficially adopted her as our child. I don't know what to think about this situation. On the other hand, I don't mind having an adopted daughter, but at the same time, the daughter that we want to adopt is a Dragon.

And not only your ordinary dragon. It was one of the strongest dragons in the DxD universe.

My wife wants to adopt the strongest dragon in the DxD universe. Do you know what makes it funny? I don't think Ophis is complaining of being adopted by both of us. I sigh a little and give another cookie to Ophis, who eats it eagerly.

You know what? If Ophis wants it, I don't mind taking her with me. I will think about the consequences later.


I look up and see Lucina wearing her casual clothes, smiling at me. Lucina did not like wearing makeup, but even without makeup, she is still beautiful. I don't know if it was her Dwarf blood that made her so beautiful, or is it the nature of energy in my world that made her look so beautiful. Even my mother, who is in her forty, looks like a woman in her late twenty.

"Ready to go?"


Today is the day we meet Yasaka in her palace. We promise to meet her in ten days after the day we sell Gram to them. The reason we meet Yasaka now is that we want to unlock our Touki.

From what Yasaka says, Physical Energy or Qi, if we go by this world term, is not the same thing. If Qi is the counterpart of Mana, Touki is the energy that comes out from our life force. The energy that our souls create instead of our bodies.

Touki is like mana. It has the same connection to your souls, but unlike mana which represents your spiritual energy, Touki represents your life energy.

Anyway, I pick Ophis down and get up from the couch. I smile a little when I see Lucina take Ophis's hand and hold it gently.

After saying goodbye to our Pokemon, who stay in front of the mansion, we walk away from the pocket dimension. I chuckle a little when I see Ophis's expression after we get out of the Pocket Dimension. When I said she could stay inside, her expression really showed me how hard she thought about it. In the end, she decided to come with us.


|Kunou POV|

I can feel my smile get bigger when I see the figure of my savior appear in front of the palace. However, I am confused when I see they are bringing another person with them. It looked like a child around my age.

She has black hair, unlike Isaac-sama, who has silver hair or brown hair of Lucina-sama. Her eye color is also different from both of them. She has Grayish eyes while Isaac-sama has silver and Lucina-sama has brown eyes.

"Sorry for waiting."

"You are just in time, Isaac. Please follow me. I already prepared a feast for us to enjoy."

I follow mother and lead Isaac-sama, Lucina-sama, and the little girl they bring to the dining room, where the servant is already preparing the feast for us.

I then begin to think about the reason why Isaac-sama and Lucina-sama come here. They want to unlock their Touki. I don't really know the reason why they need the help of us unlocking their Touki. They are already using Senjutsu, after all.

You don't need to be a Youkai to feel the natural energy dancing around them like a child dancing around a performer. If not for me holding myself back, I will throw myself to Isaac-sama and begin to purr like a cat.

Both Isaac-sama and Lucina-sama have really warm and comforting Natural Energy coming out of them. Usually, the natural energy that comes out from the Senjutsu user will not feel warm but rather foul and cold because of the tainted Natural Energy of the world.

If someone cannot hold their urge, they will r*pe Isaac-sama because of too much comfort he gives to the other. When I visit my mother in her office, I read a report saying that the Youkai serving the Lionheart family have a hard time looking them in the eyes. While they can hold themselves, they have a hard time doing that.

Anyway, we arrive inside the dining room, where I can see a massive amount of food on the table. We usually did not eat much food, but I need to eat extra for now because today is a training day.

We feast for an hour, and I learn about the little girl that is coming with Isaac and Lucina-sama. Her name is Ophis. She is an adopted daughter of Isaac-sama and Lucina-sama. They say that they found her next to a dumpster looking really hungry.

I'm really glad they found Ophis-chan there. I cannot imagine how sad it was seeing a cute girl like Ophis-chan sitting next to a dumpster in hunger.

I think Ophis-chan must be someone well known because when Isaac-sama said that her name was Ophis, I could see mother tilting her head a little. She then asked if she is THAT Ophis or something like that. When Isaac and Lucina-sama nodded their heads, mother nodded her head in understanding and surprise.

I guess Ophis-chan is the daughter of a fallen noble? That must be it.

Anyway, after eating the food, we arrived at the training area behind the palace.

"Okay, first thing first, Kunou, you will continue your training in Senjutsu for a few hours before we continue our Youjutsu training."

"Of course, Mother."

As I sit down on the ground, I can hear Isaac-sama saying.

"Can I watch the process of the Senjutsu?"

"Of course."

My mother gave her permission to his weird request. Anyway, as I sit down, I begin to enter my meditative state. I take a deep breath and feel the Natural Energy of the world get inside me. I can feel the malice, hatred, and killing intent get inside me.

I resist them all and guide the Natural Energy around my body before feeling it enchanting my body. This is the technique many practitioners use to circulate the Natural Energy around our body and filter it using our body before absorbing it to enchant our body.

I release tainted Natural Energy from our body.

As I open my eyes, I can see more clearly, and my body feels a lot stronger than before. I successfully use the basic Senjutsu.

"I did it, mother! And this time, it was faster than before!"

Mother smiled at me before patting my head with her hand.

"What do you think, Isaac?"

"Hmmm. I think you are doing it wrong."

"Huh? Pardon me?"

I look at Isaac-sama in confusion. Wrong? Is he using a different method? I have never heard of a Human senjutsu practitioner. He is the only one I have ever encountered. Maybe their method is different?

"Hmmm. How do I say this? You separate the pure Natural Energy from the tainted one inside your body, right?"

I nod my head at what he is saying.

"Then I'm right. I don't know how you are doing, but what method I use is different."

"Can you show us, Isaac?"

At my mother's request, Isaac-sama nods his head before suddenly I feel the Natural Energy around us begin to move. It moves toward Isaac-sama at a high pace. I can feel the malice and ill intent in Natural Energy is so strong I feel sick just by feeling it.

However, before it could get any worse, Natural Energy began to change. The malice and ill intent inside it begin to disappear and only leave warm and comfortable energy around.

"H… How?"

"The world has sound. You need to listen to them, listen to their troubles before comforting them."


"Let me show you. Kunou, take a deep breath and close your eyes."

I nod my head and follow Isaac-sama's instructions.

"Feel the energy around the world. Feel it, do not force it inside your body. Only feel it, get closer but do not force it to get inside your body."

I expand my senses and feel the Natural Energy around me. While the Natural Energy around Isaac-sama is warm and calming, the other did not. I follow the instructions and begin to feel the Natural Energy.

"Hear them. Hear their cry."

At first, I didn't know what to hear, but after a few seconds, I could hear it. It was faint, but I could hear it. It was like the sound of someone crying. It was like someone was crying in agony. I want to comfort them, tell them that everything will be okay, and tell them that I am here to help.

"Don't. Don't run into the crying voice. Go slowly. Let the voice know that you are not a threat."

I walk slowly toward it. I can feel it tries to intimidate me with the world's malice and ill intent, but I keep walking. After a few seconds, I reached it.

"Comfort it, let it feel you by releasing a little bit of your energy. Let it know that you come to help, not to hurt it."

I release my chakra gently, and I can feel it touching my chakra. After it touches it, I can feel the malice and ill intent around me slowly disappear. The last thing I see is a smiling figure slowly disappearing from my view.

"That was…"

"Sad, right?"

"En… What is that?"

"That is the earth. Gaia. Not Gaia the Greek Goddess but rather the planet itself."

"It… was crying."

"Yes. Feel in pain. The earth experiences the worst of all races. All the hate, the anger, and the sadness all of us releasing every day make the Earth really sad."

"En. Can't we do something about it?"

"Sadly, no. The only thing that will truly heal Gaia from its burden is by killing all the sentient beings on this planet."


"Yeah. The only thing we can do is to help it to lighten up the burden it carried for a long time."


"By doing this exercise. You purify the Natural Energy around you using this method. By doing so, the Natural Energy around you will always be pure, warm, and comforting instead of cold and full of bad intent. Your body would get stronger in return for doing this even if you did not train your body. Even though the growth of your strength is not faster than training like normal, you have a Natural Energy around you that you can use in battle."

I nod in understanding. I soothe the pain Gaia has, and Gaia boosts my physical strength. It was an equivalent exchange—sort of.

The method that the first Sage passes down teaches us how to mold Natural Energy and bend it to our needs, but the method Isaac-sama uses is like asking the world for assistance. In return, we, as a senjutsu practitioner, lighten up the pain Gaia bear.

"I understand."

"You don't need to abandon the previous method. You can use it to filter the Natural Energy around you even more before you use it."

"En! Thank you, Isaac-sama."

"Call me Isaac."

I only smile at Isaac-sama's attempt to make me call him without an honorific. I giggle a little when I see him sigh.