
I create another magic circle on the ground next to me in a span of five seconds. I nod my head and walk into the magic circle before it teleports me inside the living room of my mansion. Lucina and I are currently inside my pocket dimension training and reading all the books, grimoire, and scrolls we got from Azazel and Yasaka.

Right now, I'm practicing my teleportation spell. Sadly I can only create the magic circle after manipulating my mana for five seconds. I can do faster with a regular magic circle that many magicians use, but I want my sigil in my magic circle.

Adding a family sigil takes a longer time to cast the spell because I need to crave my sigil into my own souls, and it takes sometimes and a lot of mana. It takes a week to engrave your own sigil into your magic, and I need to get used to the change in the magic circle.

I also need to stabilize the mana flow inside the magic circle for the time being. After I get used to it and the magic circle stabilizes after continuous use, I can increase the casting speed.

While I am busy practicing new magic, Lucina is busy trying a new way of craftsmanship. While the crafting book Azazel gives to us is interesting, the one given to us by Yasaka makes Lucina really happy.

The Shinto way of crafting is unique. They use the natural energy of the world to make their items. This technique did not have a name, but it was the technique Muramasa invented in the past to make his ultimate sword.

A nameless sword that takes after its creator's name. Muramasa. A legendary sword that can cut through anything and can only be sheathed after the wielder is covered in the blood of their enemy or the innocent.

It was a katana that was so fearsome that it could cut through even gods and give them a nasty curse. Because of this, the gods decide to eradicate the sword, leaving nothing behind. While the method to create this sword is rumored to be gone, it was not.

Muramasa master Masamune receives the book saying how Muramasa created the sword. Seeing the method his student used to create a sword, Masamune scolded him for it. Muramasa, who is angry at his master for saying what he says, challenges him to a competition.

That is the beginning of Legends of Masamune and Muramasa. The story tells how both of them compete to create an ultimate sword. Where Muramasa creates Juuchi Yosamu and Masamune creates Yawarakai-Te.

However, what the story did not tell is how Masamune forged the Yawarakai-Te. Masamune, who did not know how to beat his student in that competition, decided to use his student method.

He uses the natural energy of the world to create the sword. However, if Muramasa uses tainted Natural Energy as his main component, Masamune uses untainted Natural Energy as his main component.

Muramasa, who create Juuchi Yosamu, who use the tainted natural energy, create a sword that can cut anything with ease and even curses the one touched by the sword. Be it the victim or the wielder.

Masamune, who uses the purified Natural Energy, creates Yawarakai-Te, who can slice anything deemed worthy of being sliced and heal the innocent.

Lucina already created one knife using this technique in the last two days, and she said that the Natural Energy in this pocket dimension is not tainted enough to create a cursed sword, but it can be done with more effort.

However, Lucina said that she would not do that because why create a sword that will kill its creator when creating a safer sword with the same quality and even higher quality than the cursed one?

Anyway, I cannot disturb her for now. She is in the zone right now—the zone to do some crafting. Not only sword crafting, but she also buried herself in the forge creating many kinds of armor and tools.

She came out of the forge because she cannot summon more than ten kilograms worth of metal.

If I have an unlimited amount of metal that can be used, I know I will not see her come out of the forge until days or weeks later.

She should be out of the forge in a few hours. I guess I need to make some food for us.

~A week later~

I dodge the incoming wind blast from Lucina, who wields both Balmung and Tyrfing while I wield Nothung and Dainsleif. After using them for a week, I know Siegfried did not or rather cannot use the full power of the Demonic Sword.

Balmung, for example, not only can shoot a drill of wind from itself, but the sword can also control wind at the micro-level. It lets its user control the air around our enemy. Lucina can use it to suffocate the enemy by robbing them of getting oxygen.

With Balmung in hand, Lucina became the true Lady of Wind. Her Cyclone Rune let her control wind at the Macro level and let Balmung control the wind at the Micro level.

I snap from my thoughts when I see an incoming attack in the form of a wave of destruction. I swing Nothung down and cut the wave of destruction that flies past me, hitting the ground, creating a large crater.

"Focus, dear husband, or you will lose the fight~."

I smile a little before reinforcing my body with magic and appear in front of Lucina with my sword in hand. I swing my sword to the right, but before it could hit her, Lucina blocks the incoming attack using Balmung.

I activate Dainsleif's ability and create a thick ice cube to block the incoming attack from Lucina. I then stab Dainsleif to the ground creating a spike made of ice to attack Lucina. I can see her dodge the ice spike from the ground. I smirk a little and create a cage made of ice.

I frown a little when I see Lucina destroy the ice cage easily. I guess there is a reason why Tyrfing is a sword of destruction. I give Nothung a large amount of mana and swing it down. After swinging Nothung, I appear in front of Lucina, who looks at me with a surprised expression.



I swing down both of my swords where they meet with Lucina's swords. I deflect her swords and kick her to the right. Lucina successfully landed on her feet and shouted.

"What was that?!?"

"Heh. Nothung is known for its power to slice anything. Its slicing power is so powerful it can slice the space between the two of us."

"That is unfair!"

"Say the one that has the power to kill me by suffocation."

Yeah. I can do teleportation by cutting the space between me and my target. By cutting the space, I can appear in front of Lucina in an instant like I'm teleporting. Sadly I cannot continue to do it. It takes a good chunk of my mana to do that, which is really unfortunate.

"Yeah, but slashing space is another level of unfairness!"

"Well, if Nothung can slice through space, then Dainsleif should be able to destroy anything, don't you think?"

"Huh. I never thought about that. Let me test something."

"Wait, Wait, Wait! I don't want you to test it here. We can test it outside."

"Sure. I will do that later but for now, how about we eat something? I am hungry. We have been training for the past three hours."

"Really? I guess it is true that time flies really fast when you spend your time with your loved one."

I laugh a little when I see her blush at my word.