Mt. Silver

I look at the beautiful scenery in front of me with Lucina to my side and our pokemon near us. Right now, we are near Mt. Silver, where I can capture the Larvitar. However, instead of immediately going to the cave where I can encounter a Larvitar, Lucina and I decide to camp on the hill near Mt. Silver.

We stay in here for the night. We train our pokemon, eat some food and cuddle with each other. When the morning arrived, I cooked some food for all of us and then enjoyed the scenery with Lucina.

"What kind of pokemon do you want to catch?"

"If what the information you give to me is true, then I will try to catch Misdreavus, Sneasel, and Larvitar. How about you?"

Before we came here, I already printed a list of pokemon that are available in Mt.Silver. I got this information from the internet, so I don't know if that pokemon is inside or outside Mt.Silver.

"I guess I will try to catch Larvitar. This pokemon will be my main target. The next one is Absol and lastly a Machop or Machoke."

"Hmmm~ Shall we go get going then?"


We stand up, and I flick my wand, and suddenly the tent where we sleep begins to fold itself up before it floats toward me. After I store up the tent, Lucina and I begin to walk down the hill with our pokemon following us.

Leo and Jojo on my right, while Uni and Lasu on Lucina left. We decided not to make them stay in the Pokeball.

As we walk down the hill, I feel a movement to our right, and when something comes out from the bush, I raise my spear and block the incoming attack.

The one that is attacking us is a massive purple snake. It has the shape of a king cobra but a hundred times the size of a regular cobra. This creature is Arbok. A poison-type Pokemon.

Seeing me get attacked, our pokemon begin to spring into action and attack the wild Arbok.

The Arbok gets thrown away from me when Leo headbutt it in the head. When the Arbok gets thrown away, Jojo flaps his wings and creates a massive blade of wind that flies toward the Arbok and creates a massive gash on its massive body.

The Arbok looked at our pokemon before it opened its mouth widely, but before it could do something, Lasu fired a hydro pump right to its mouth, destroying its fangs, and Uni finished the Arbok with a Wing Attack and cut the Arbok head off.

I look at the Arbok corpse before flick my wand, and suddenly the corpse catches on fire. I waited for a minute before I vanished from the fire. The corpse is gone leaving only ash.

After that, we continued our journey to Mt.Silver.

It takes us three hours of walking to arrive in front of the cave under Mt.Silver.

We took so long to arrive because we met a bunch of pokemon in the forest. The first one we meet after the Arbok is a pack of Phanpy and Donphan. They are not aggressive pokemon like Arbok, but they will attack you if they get attacked.

Anyway, we stayed there for an hour because the pack's Alpha challenged our pokemon in a fight. The one that fights against the Donphan alpha is Leo and Uni. The fight is intense. I really underestimate the power of Alpha Donphan.

I guess with many pokemon wanting to attack you and your pack, the Alpha needs to be a super-strong pokemon.

They finished with both Leo and Uni as the winner. However, they win without an injury. Both Leo and Uni are on their last legs. Their enemies have massive firepower and also a high defense that makes it harder to beat.

After the fight, I heal the three pokemon using the Rain of Kindness. After finished healing them, the Donphan alpha bowed at us, and I also bowed at him showing our respect. There is nothing wrong with showing our respect to a strong pokemon that uses its power to protect its pack.

We then continued our journey and then met another pack of pokemon, but this time it was a pack of Ponyta and Rapidash. The same with the pack of Donphan, the alpha of this pack wants to fight our pokemon.

So we sent Jojo and Lasu to fight against the Alpha Rapidash. While the pack did not as long as the fight between Leo and Uni against the Alpha Donphan as they have a disadvantage against the massive elephant.

In this fight, we have Lasu, the Azumarill. While the Fairy type move will not be effective against the Alpha Rapidash, the Water attack is a huge boost in the fight between Jojo and Lasu against the Alpha Rapidash.

However, even with the help of Lasu, the fight did not come as easy as I thought it would be. The fight is still intense as the Alpha Rapidash has a mind-breaking speed. Even Jojo has a hard time keeping up.

The fight is over with our pokemon as the winner, and after healing them, the Alpha Rapidash bow at us, and we do the same.

After that, we don't encounter any packs of pokemon anymore, but we still face a wild pokemon that wants to fight us. We did not kill any pokemon we encountered, only the one that tried to kill and eat us like a few Arbok and Golbat we encountered.

Most of them only want to challenge us to fight to test their power and not to eat us. We also not only let our pokemon do all the fighting. Lucina and I also fight against the pokemon that come at us. Especially a group of twelve Ursaring want to fight us.

Six of us against twelve of Ursaring. Two humans and four pokemon fight against a dozen fully evolved pokemon. If other humans see us fight a pokemon, we will be branded as suicidal, and I can agree with them if we are a normal human or Dwarf in Lucina cases.

Anyway, the fight itself is pure chaos. Many craters are created from the fight between the group of Ursaring and us. The fight finished in thirty minutes with the result of us winning. From the fight, I got myself a bear claw on my chest.

A non-enchanted Mithril cannot handle a continuous attack from the Ursaring. In this fight, I also use my Flowing Rune to heal Lucina, our pokemon, and myself. From doing this, I unlock a new spell for me to use called Ocean Kindness.

This is the upgraded version of Rain of Kindness. This spell creates a ball of water near my allies and me before it coats us with an armor of water that heals all of our wounds. Not only that, but this armor of water also gives a temporary defense boost in the form of water armor. It will take a quarter of the damage received.

Like the previous fight, I heal all the Ursaring after beating them in the fight and continuing our journey.

After another walk for thirty-minute from the last fight against the group of Ursaring, we arrive in front of a massive cave. The cave itself is dark, and the deeper it goes, the darker it becomes. I look at Lucina and say.

"Shall we?"
