S-Class Monster (III)

Dammit. I look at Lucina and say.

"We need to hurry up."

"Yes. Let's go."

I place a huge amount of mana into my feet and begin to run toward where the monster is being born.


|Elizabeth Vulux POV|

I look at the monster in front of me in terror. Even when the monster is more than a hundred kilometers away from where I stand, I still can feel the oppressive feeling the S-class monster releases.

Not only that, the black snow that falls from the sky also makes the feeling of terror in their heart grow at an insane level. Lucky for us, the Magicians quick with their magic and create a barrier that blocks the mental attack. However….

"Lucky for us, we are so far away from the battlefield. If not, we cannot guarantee this barrier will work"

That. The only reason why I don't become a mad piece of human vegetable right now is because of the distance between the Capital city and the north. Even with that distance, I feel the monster has sucked up my whole soul.

Even now, with the barrier around us, I can still feel the feeling of promised eternal torment waiting for me.

I take a deep breath and see the people on the battlefield, and true to my fear, they begin to lose their sanity. Their thoughts begin to be clouded with the promise of eternal torment if they die by the hand of the monster.




"Da…. Ma…. I'm sorry…."

"I'm sorry…. I'm sorry…."

"Is there any hope?"

Second, by a second, the people in the battle begin to fall into madness. However, before they fall into madness, Isaac and Lucina appear like heroes, ready to save the day. Their energy flared up like a blazing fire, ready to burn anything that dared to approach them.

It was then when I heard Isaac shout at the people around him.

"Stand up! Look up! You are the northern finest! You are the wall that shields the innocent from danger. Will you let the monster touch your family?!? Will you let them kill your loved one?!? Will you let them trample the dream you have?!? Will you?!?"

Each word coming out from Isaac's mouth carried a power that made the other snap from their negative thoughts. I wonder what makes it like that.

|It was the power of Blue Magic|

Blue magic? The power of sound?

|Correct. It was the power that can cure any mental attack if the user is strong enough|

I see.

|However, there is something else that is empowering his magic. Something that I don't know|

I wonder what it is.

"Stand high! Rise your head! Look up and see the enemy! These are the faces of the damned! It is our duty to send them to the hell they come from! We've lost many. Our families weep for our losses. Would we die with no cause? Or show no mercy to the wicked."

Just like a flame being fueled by gasoline, the life in the people's eyes begins to flare once again.

"We will fight!"


"We will defend our land!"


"We will protect our loved one!"


"We will provide them a better future!"


"Shout to heaven! Show the world your resolve!"


Suddenly a pillar of light appeared from Isaac's body. The pillar of light then explodes before into a mote of light that gets absorbed by the people around him. However, there is a symbol in the sky. It was the source of the light that just appeared.

Can you scan what kind of power that is?

|Yes. Because you already fully scan Isaac Lionheart, I can show you what skill he uses. However, you cannot use your Full Scan power for three months. Are you sure?|


|Scanning…. Scan completed|

|The First Light (EX)|

|One born when the darkest night covers the world. The first light appears in the dark sky. The first Star that brings hope to the other|


|Will clear any mental attack the holder and his/her ally had|





{Can only be activated when there is a great mental attack being targeted to the holder and his/her ally}

You cannot see the other effect?

|I'm sorry, but I can't do that|

Darn it.

I then look at the projection again and see Isaac point his spear at the monster while saying.

"You who come to the world to bring death, now it is time for you to taste the cold embrace of death! Final Bell!"

After he says that, there is a bell sound coming from everywhere. What makes matters more interesting is that I feel sweet relief. The relief that only death can grant me. The relief that gives knowing that we don't have any regret leaving the living world.

I snap from my thoughts when the projection sees a being appear in front of the S-class monster. The being is shrouded in darkness. The only thing that is shown is its eyes that have the shape of blue fire.

After a few seconds of looking at the S-class monster, the creature speaks.

"All yond begins might not but end—beast of disast'r, the issue of chaos, thee who is't b'rn from mankind's folly."

|All that begins must end—Beast of Disaster, the child of chaos, you who born from mankind's folly.|

"Thee, who is't chuckle at death. Thee, who is't wast b'rn to defy h'r and stealeth h'r auth'rity."

|You, who laugh at death. You, who was born to defy her and steal her authority.|

"From the deepest abyss, I cometh, and only death doth I bringeth."

|From the deepest abyss, I come, and only death do I bring.|

"I'm the first of mine own kind, the f'rgotten one, and the first grimreap'r."

|I'm the first of my kind, the forgotten one, and the first Grimreaper.|

"The final bell tolls thy nameth. In the nameth of mistress of death, I shalt taketh thy headeth."

|The final bell toll your name. In the name of Lady of Death, I shall take your head.|

The creature speaks with a deep voice with an accent that I don't really understand. The creature then raises its sword and disappears before appearing in front of the S-class monster instantly.

It then swung down its sword, and a second later, a burst of blue flame consumed the S-class monster. The S-class monster keeps screaming in pain as the blue fire eats the monster slowly. After a few seconds of agony scream, the blue fire successfully eats the S-class monster.

Seeing its job is done, the creature looks at Isaac and nods its head before disappearing. The people around him who see that the creature nod its head toward Isaac look at him with awe. Isaac looked at the empty space for a few seconds before saying.

"Huh, neat."

I couldn't help but let my hand meet my face.