
It has been a week since we met the pack of pokemon around the lake inside the forest. Right now, we are inside the stadium in Violet City. It is the time for the Official Tournament.

Our pokemon already evolved into their maximum evolution. Jojo already evolved into Pidgeot with a height of 2.5 m tall. The member of the Gym said that Jojo is one of the biggest Pidgeot she ever sees. The same with Leo, who already evolved into Arcanine. Leo has a height of 3 meters. I use a Firestone I summon with the power of my Pocket Dimension to evolve it into Arcanine.

Uni evolved into Crobat. She is 2.4 meters tall, and her wings can reach 5 meters long. Lasu, the Azurill Lucina catch last week, has already evolved into Azumarill. Lasu is 1.3 meters tall.

All of them continue to get stronger to the point both Lucina and I cannot keep up with them anymore. In the beginning, we hold ourselves not to injure our pokemon too much, but right now, it is their turn to hold back their strength, not to hurt us too much.

However, by sparring with all of them, Lucina and I also grow in strength. We were not afraid to go all out against them anymore, and with them becoming stronger than us, Lucina and I need to think about our next move and think about strategy about how to beat them in a fight.

I snap from my thoughts when one of the Gym members walks toward us. She asks us to show our ID and then looks at our pokemon in astonishment.

"You got those pokemon last week?"

Both of us nod our heads.


The Gym member then looked at one of the Poke nurses. The nurse walked toward our pokemon and began to examine them from top to bottom. After checking them for a few minutes, the nurse nodded her head before saying.

"They are in great condition. They don't have any illness or signs of abuse. They are in their top condition."

The Gym Member nodded her head and looked at us.

"You guys must be a good trainer. Usually, a pokemon that fully evolved, even though they only get the pokemon in a week, get harsh treatment. The trainer usually forces their pokemon to train to make them quickly evolve. You, on the other hand, did not use that method. I can tell your pokemon loves you. Good job."

We smile at her praise and scratch both Jojo and Leo's neck.

"Here is your number. The fight will begin in fifteen minutes."

I look at the number and see that I have the number 4 (A), meaning that I will fight against number 2 (A) while Lucina has number 4 (D).

The tournament has four groups in each stage, Group A, B, C, and D. Each winner of the group will go to the semi-final before they fight against their neighboring group. Group A against Group B and Group C against Group D.

The Amateur stage winner can challenge the Mid-level stage, and the Winner of the Mid-level stage can challenge the High-level stage if they want it. However, most of the lower stage cannot beat the higher stage because of the difference between their pokemon power.

I look at Lucina before saying.

"Let's meet in the final"

"Yes. Good luck"

"Good luck to you as well."

~15 minutes later~

I walk to the arena and see many people come to the Gym to watch the tournament. I take a deep breath before looking at my opponent. He is a teenager around fifteen. He has six Pokeball around his waist, meaning that he brings his full team.

A second later, I see the Master of Ceremony appear on the massive screen above me.

"Welcome to the monthly tournament of Viole City! My name is Mr.Z will be your Mc for today. The first stage is the Amateur stage! We have sixteen contestants and four groups! Group A consists of 4 male trainers!"

The Mc then begins to tell the audience about the participant. I ignore the other participant, but I listen to the Mc when he announces the fight between my enemy and me.

"... The next one is the fight between Okuyasu Shibata! He is bringing his full team to this tournament. His team consisted of Houndour, Seel, Magby, Togepi, Weedle, and Spearow!"

After the announcer said that, my opponent, Okuyasu, released all his pokemon with a smug smile on his face.

"His opponent is a new trainer named Isaac Lionheart! He has a team consisting of two pokemon! Pidgeot and Arcanine!"

After the announcer said that, I released both my pokemon. When my pokemon appear, many people gasp and have shocked expressions on their faces. I guess they never thought an amateur trainer would have a fully evolved pokemon that is bigger than your normal pokemon.

"Wow, would you look at that? I guess he is not as arrogant as I thought he would be."

I can feel my eyebrow twitching when he says that. I take a deep breath and look at my pokemon before saying.

"Please make it quick. At first, I want to tell you guys to make a flashy move but seeing that announcer take us lightly, and I want you to go all out and beat our opponent in an instant, okay?"



I nod at them and place them to go inside the Pokeball once again. When the referee comes to us, I take out Jojo Pokeball, and when the referee says go, I throw the Pokeball away and release Jojo from his ball.

My opponent throws his Pokeball, and suddenly Houndour appears in front of Jojo, growling at him. Jojo raised his eyebrow when he heard the Houndour growling at him.


After the referee says that, Jojo disappears from his position and appears in front of the Houndour with his wing glowing in power and attacks the Houndour making the puppy thrown away from the arena and immediately went unconscious.

The referee has a shocked face before shaking his head and says.

"Winner! Isaac Lionheart! Isaac, will you continue with your current pokemon?"


"Very well. Okuyasu, please release your second pokemon."

My opponent released his second pokemon, and it was a Weedle. Just like before, the Weedle got thrown away by Jojo, defeating it in an instant. The same with his third, fourth, fifth, and last pokemon.

I feel bad for him, but I decide not to tell Jojo to make a flashy move. In the end, the match did not last for two minutes. It only lasts for a minute, and by the third match, I can see the so-called Mr.Z have a shocked face and stay silent.

I look at the announcer and spit on the ground when he sees me in the eyes.

I know I look like an asshole, but I did not like being underestimated. Also, I was not too fond of the announcer's tone when he saw I only have two pokemon.