Left him behind

Inside the bedroom,

Daniel was sitting on the floor leaning on his bed, quite a few empty bottles of whiskey were scattered around him along with ashes from his cigarettes. That's how he has been living for the last 2 days, he smoked, got drunk, and passed out from the heavy drinking. Daniel heard people talking outside his door but he didn't hear what they were saying, he didn't care anyway. He just kept drinking from the bottle and staring into nothing. Only one thought was running into his mind, Ava has left him, how much he loved her yet she left him, and he has no one left in his life. Why did she leave? First, it was his mother who left him alone and now the most important person in his life has also left him. He has no desire to live anymore. Anger rose inside his heart when he remembered how ruthlessly Ava left with Oliver, leaving him behind, Daniel threw the bottle toward the wall in anger and it shattered with a loud noise.

Jason heard the shattering noise he was relieved and worried at the same time. He was now sure Daniel was inside and conscious, he guessed Daniel probably was angry because Ava left him. He banged again on the door and said, "CEO, I know you are inside. Please open the door, whatever it is we can talk it out, ok. The A&D Group really needs you right now. Please CEO."

A&D Group? This time Daniel heard the word coming from the door but he still didn't reply. He founded the A&D group only for Ava because he wanted to give her enough sense of security and a powerful background so she can go against Oliver and the only way was to become more capable than Oliver. Daniel was like his mother he despised fame and wealth. He never bothered to compete with others in his life, but for Ava's sake he did compete with Oliver, he was confident within a few years he would be a capable competitor against Oliver but before he could reach that point Ava already left him. Now that Ava was gone what's the point of having the A&D group? He didn't want it anymore, let it fall he couldn't care less. He just wanted to drown in his own sorrow.

Sister Li came running with a few keys and handed them to Jason saying she didn't know which one opens the door. Jason took it and started to try out all the keys one by one, however, none of them unlocked the door when Jason was almost about to give up the door finally unlocked with one of the keys. He felt relieved and quickly pushed open the door and got inside. But the moment he stepped inside he had to take a step back instantly, as the strong smell of smoke and alcohol was coming from the room. He couldn't see anything as it was completely dark, he covered his mouth and nose with a handkerchief and walked inside to turn on the light first. However to his horror, the room was full of smoke, there were so many bottles scattered around, and Daniel sitting on the floor completely disheveled. Jason quickly went to the window and opened all of them so the smoke and awful smell would clear away from the room then he came to Daniel, "CEO Sherman, what have you done to yourself?" He felt heartache seeing Daniel like this.

Daniel didn't answer him, he just sat there with closed eyes as if he didn't hear him. If it wasn't for his heavy breathing, Jason would have thought Daniel was not conscious. "CEO Sherman, please talk to me, please. Don't do this to yourself. Please!" Jason was a bit lost not knowing what to do. He was aware of Daniel's health condition. He was not allowed to have so much alcohol, he was really worried Daniel's stomach will start to bleed so he was wondering if he should call an ambulance. However, at that moment, Daniel opened his bloodshot eyes and looked at Jason. He looked confused for a few seconds as if trying to remember who was it then he smiled lightly and asked, "Jason, is that you?"

"CEO Sherman, I think you had enough drinks for the rest of your life. You need to stop now. Why are you doing this, don't you care about your health at all?"

Daniel shook his head and said, "What will I do with this useless life? Who do I live for?"

"CEO Sherman, what are you talking about? You have a company to run, and a lot of people are depending on you. Don't you care?" Jason has witnessed how the A&D group rose to this level within just two years, he was really afraid Daniel will give up the company in haste and will regret it in the future.

Daniel laughed sadly and said, "Company? I established the company for her, what will I do with it now that she was gone?"

"CEO Sherman, you cannot give up like this, did you forget that you also have a daughter? Don't you want to give her a good life? Just because Miss Ava left you, doesn't mean that you have to end your life in sorrow." Jason felt really frustrated. How do you change a defeated person's mindset? Daniel seems to give up completely.

Before Daniel could say anything he started to throw up blood and then passed out. Jason's blood drained from his face knowing Daniel's condition has gotten worse. He quickly called an ambulance and took Daniel to the hospital. On the way, Daniel subconsciously kept calling out Ava's name, so Jason decided to at least call her and let her know of his situation. However, as soon as Ava's call connected it was rejected, he tried again and this time Ava's phone was switched off. Jason was puzzled, did she really not want to have any contact with Daniel? Was Ava that ruthless?