"Darius, I said wait. I'm coming with you."

"You better run from me, Rainbow cause I am the big mean green giant. Stomp, stomp, stomp…..and I'm hungry for more."

"Kid, stop it. You're making me laugh. An elephant is not a giant."

"What about.....a pack of Elephants!!!!! GET HER!!!!!!"

"Aaaaaagh…..don't trample me. Help."



"Everbody, transform back. Ruby is blocking the road."


"Kids, Kids, gather around."

"Is it time to go already? We were having so much fun. Rainbow said we haven't even begun to touch the surface. Tomorrow she says there is plenty more in store for us if we stay. From chocolate waterfalls, to Cotton Candy Trees, Candycane stalks, and even real life Gingerbread men, she can't wait to show us everything."



"..........Then you should thank her."

"Thank her?

Wait, does that mean we're staying?"


"But you just said."

"You're not staying, but you're not leaving either.

Rainbow, Mr. and Mrs. Heartchild, a word?"

"Of course. Excuse us Kids."

"What seems to be the problem now?"

"Their is no problem, just looking for a guarantee."

"For what?"

"Rainbow, I know you can't promise anything, but can you at least try your hardest to protect these kids? They have never felt that before."

"Don't worry. I'll treat them like I treat others."

"I've seen how that goes. You care more for creatures than you do people."

"That's not…."

"Just guarantee, okay? You've never before tamed a creature, but just look at these kids. Every creature big or small starts out as a kid, and are these not kids?"

"........You have my word. I shall not let a sword, nor a hand touch a head on one of these precious Creatures without my say so."