Ice Breakers

"Will you let a crown be worn on their heads?"

"Maybe not theirs..... but mine."

"Sorry Rainbow. Your sister has that spot taken, but I do thank you. We never doubted."

"You may not wear a crown, but I promise that the next swords we make you will be of animal nature. Think of it. Their skin and bone, molded to make ...."

"Ooookay. I'm gonna leave now before you start giving me nightmares. The Kids are going to wonder where I am anyways. I told them I'd scout ahead to pick out our next spot. If gone too long, Ruby will start to worry again."

"Don't worry about her. We'll handle her, you handle the others. Just bring them There, and don't be late."

"Have I ever let you down?

....Wait, don't answer that."

" See you soon."

"....Not if I see you first."



"Ummm...Don't let the door hit you on the way out."

"Don't worry. I'll be careful not to...…Aaaaaaghhh!! Ru…..Ru…..Ruby? What a pleasant surprise. Why aren't you with the Kids?"

"I could say the same for you. The Heartchilds are under their care, but you are under mine.

So, I'll ask again. Why aren't you with the Kids?"

"I…..Flyers!! Yeah. I was getting flyers, and asking a guide to hand me some Travel guides. I 've grown up here, but none of you have. Wouldn't want any of you getting lost, would I?"

" 'IceBreaker gift shop'.

You know, the reason why I followed you wasn't to scout you out or anything but to ask you a question, and express my thanks...….away from the others."

"No need to thank me. Just want the best interest of the Kids at heart; like anybody should.

What did you want to ask me?"

"It's more of a request than a question. These kids have been locked up their whole lives under Fighters lock and keys."

"Fighters dead now. My dad told me that Tai killed him. The damage is done."

"You can never permanently erase a scar. It may get smaller, but never away. These 'Kids' may look like young adults, but their mindset is still....fragile. Whatever you do, don't force them to grow up too fast. Let them live a little, and above"

"What's this? 'Mickey Mouse and the Clubhouse of trouble?'"

"Don't ask me why it's their favourite, but they read nothing else. It helps calm them down at night."

"Aren't they too old for a bedtime story?"

"Shh…shh. They might hear you. Kyle says if they aren't calmed down when bedtime hits, they get agitated and riled up."

"How riled?"

"I do my best not to find out."

"As I said, 'I have their best interest at heart.' Don't you worry. And Ruby."


"Thanks for this."

"For what?"

"Trusting me again."

"Rainbow, I never stopped, just doubted, but not stopped."