"Well, at least we know who has them."

"And who's going after them."


"Not this time, Drago. Get back here."


*Roaarrlllww... Roarrrlllww.....Roarrrlllw*


"Listen, I know you want them back, but we need a plan. We don't even know where they are."

"Then let's find out."


"........Where's Kyle?"


I'll go get him."

"Even Kyle won't be enough. We need more."

"No. As long as Kyle is here, the Dragon and the Kids cannot be harmed. They are all connected.

Thank you, Jasmine."

"Where are you going? You just said we needed a plan."

"I know, but we're not the ones who are going to make it."

"Then who is?"

"Wait here."


"If I have to spend another day in this dump, then I can't take it. I mean, why are we even here? What is our crime?"

"Your crime?"

"Who are you?"

"Your ticket out of here. I don't know what you did, but if you help, I'll help you."

"And how exactly can we help you?"

"I didn't tell you who you would be helping."

"Oh no, we are not helping that nasty…"




"Where are you?"

"Over here."

"There you are. I thought we talked about thi…..who are they?"

"King Morando, Queen sky. A pleasure."

"No, no, no, no. Ruby, their is a reason why these people are in the Hole."

"Yeah, Natysh's rejects. I know."

"No. Yes, her rejects are in there…..mixed with every other criminal known to walk."


"We can't place them out front for people to see. People look at Dropfarra and see a Dream come true....not Nightmares."

"Nightmares. Who are you calling Nightmares? We've Quinced under your reign far too long. I say, no more."