"And I say, give them a chance.


"Ruby, let us go this instant. I am your King, and I demand….."

"I honestly don't care who you are or what you did. For the last time, this is not my Kingdom."

"Your Kingdom?"

"Oh no."

"Where's your ring?

"...........Princess Ruby?"

"Who was supposed to be successor to the throne, Princess Ruby?"

"Is that why one of my servants called you Queen, because you're supposed to be the rightful heir?"

"She's not your servant. She's mine.

When I let my servants go, our stand in Tai was already too powerful, and my servants were too afraid to go back. So most came here."

"That's why you declined my offer. You weren't being disrespectul Just didn't want to be seen."

"As I said, I wanted to die in the house I grew up in. And I did just that."

"Ruby, is this true? Are you the lost Child?"

"What does it matter? Right now, I am not the one lost, but our Kids, and you guys need to ban together or else we'll get nowhere."

"Then uncoil us and we will."


"Oww….My head."

"So, are we in agreement?"

"You could've told us."

"Dragon, a lift.

....Why? My very existence was not to tell."

"Then why now? Why us?"

"I've lost too much. I'm not going to lose these kids too, and besides, someone said it's time we get stuff out in the open. No more misunderstanding."

"Ruby, I stand with you, and am glad I was able to before...

"Before everything split?"

"Ruby, you cannot train these…..these…..Misfits."

"Heartchilds, Rainbow...…..Misfits!!! On me."

"Wait, that's not what I meant. I meant that…"
