"Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!"

"......Is it morning, already, Darius?"

"Nope. You missed it."

"What? I….noooo.

I'm too responsible to miss my own birthday par….."

"Calm down, Elwin. Calm down.

First streaks of light outside."



Don't do me like that, Darius. You know how I am."

"I do?

I just thought that it being your birthday and all, you will probably have a lot of friends coming over, so…."


"Could you show me around the Castle again? I want to see what it is really like, before everybody gets started off.

You showed me what happens after, but we are all human, so…."

"Give you an inside scoop of everybodies daily routine?"

"Now we're on the same page."

"I'll warn you, it can get pretty boring here in the Castle."


It's like a dream here."

".....More like a Nightmare."

"Come on, come on. I was in the Armory and looking at the row of armor and thought I...."

"Wait a second. You can't be in there. It's always locked.

Not to be seen by the public eye."

"I wasn't snooping. Promise.

See, I was walking the Halls while you were asleep, and I saw a few men with weapons coming in and out of a room; kind of like they were in a rush to get somewhere. So, I followed, let myself in; and...…..they even let me try on a few of the pieces.

Said they were going to 'Practice, and wanted to see how I looked, if and when the time came."

"If....and When?

They don't practice till Evening hours, not early morning. You should have…."

"Elwin, it was just practice.


They said I could practice with them this evening, and wanted to see if I could fit in any suits; but I told them that I would be spending the whole day with you. That is why I was here."

"........I believe you, but next time…..ask first.

I was worried when you left my room last night and said you were going to the bathroom. When you didn't come back, I feared you ran off like Ruby did."

"Ruby didn't run off, I can promise you that. She would never miss her friends' birthdays."

"Then where is she?"

"Last minute gift....for you.

Just walk with me. It'll clear your head from last night, and get you ready for the day."

".........Can I dress first?"


That's not your royal....nightgown?

Daddy keeps trying to set me up with eligible bachelors, but all of them want to rule....or are like Ruby.

I want a Natysh."

"You want a girl?"

"No…no…no. I just want a …"

"I don't think Kyle would let you."

"Darius, listen.

I just want a boy who knows how to rule, how to lead, how to hunt, and...…."

"How to stay looking good even under pressure."

"Thanks. If you were my bachelor, I wouldn't have a problem.

Sadly, you are far too young."

"I can grow.



"Darius, growing up is not all about physical height."

"It's not?


Thought I was so close."


Their is maybe something you can do."

"Yes, Yes, and triple yes."

"But I didn't tell you what it is."

"I don't care. I'd love to brush your hair. It's so wavy."


Nobody touches the hair.

Do you know how long it takes to get these straights? A pure work of art.

You can help me pick out an outfit to wear tonight."

"One question."


"Do you even want to find a boy tonight?"