"If one presents himself, I won't say no….

Of course, I could use your judgment."

"But I'm just a….*oof*

A coat rack?

Wait, you sleep in this?

It's so soft."

"Daddy does his best to make sure no matter what I wear, I always look my best.

Darius, I'm not saying a Kid is bad advice. What I'm saying is that at your age, I'm sure your heart is a lot more innocent than mine. I just need your insight on who might be the closest to a heart of yours."

"I don't know...….and I've checked."

"Darius, you truly are a rare breed. As rare as they come, but could you just look? For me?"


"If I could see, I would."


Didn't mean to throw those at you.

I'll just take them back real fast."

"Thanks, but….*aahhhh*

"Why so many outfits?"

"Image, Darius.


"Do Image bearers wear belts?"

"Darius, belts are not just for guys you know."

"Neither is fighting."

"Darius, I....*Whoooo.*

I'll always remember you, and never find someone to replace you.

It's just that.....although I don't want to pick a Royal suiter...….if Daddy doesn't come back soon...…I can't lead a Kingdom on my own.

This may be my one and only chance. The biggest gathering around, so that I won't have to go looking for one out of desperation."


I understand."

"You know what, Darius.

If you promise not to completely destroy my hair......I'll let you style it."


If I am to style it, I think...hmmmm.....This. This right here is so you."


Go to Breakfast, and wait for me.

Oh, and save me a plate."

"I can't promise anything!!!!!!!!!"

"......Wolfgirl, you come back here with my food."

"Kids, Kids, tone it down. We don't want to be late for Elwins birthday, do we?"

"But why do we have to dress up?

Why can't we just know...….our Pjs?"


"Mr. Heartchild.


"Oh. Sorry for laughing. It's!!!!

You really have never been to a Princesses castle before have you?"

"......Why does she get pedicured?"

*Knock, knock, knock*

"Uhhhh...hold that thought?

May I help you?"

"Morning Newspaper for you.



"What do you think that was all about?"

"I don't know.

Let's see what's in the news today.

'News…..*Flip*....'Weather'.....*Flip....'Sports'....*Flip….'horror stor....' 'Is she Back!!!!!!!!!!' "

"Is who back? What are they talking about?"

" 'King Tai, where did he go? And where is he now?

After mysteriously vanishing yesterday to go shopping for the 'perfect gift' for his dear little Elwin; one of his Maids earlier this morning found...…..


Look, Tai. If you wanted to have a minute alone away from your Daughter, all you had to do was ask. I'm sure she would have said yes.

I know you two have not been getting along as of recently, but I guess when Rulers say they have an 'off' day.....they mean it literally.

But….was it just an 'off' day, or something more? Did he sell his soul to the Plant, in exchange for ultimate peace and quiet?


Is the throne truly….safe?'

I can't read anymore."

"Kids, some Princesses have Pedicures. Others have brave Guards. Others, dashing nights....but Elwin...…..she has friends, and that means more than anything in the world."

"But I'm not even done eating?"

"Take it to go.

We have a Princess to save."

"But we couldn't even save the King."

"Can you Tie me Tie, real fast?


Too tight, too tight."

"Mr. Heartchild, how are we supposed to fight Ruby in these clothes?


They're too tight."

"We'll figure that out when the time comes."

"........Why don't we just transform?

...…..What.....what did I say?"

"It's ok to transform in these little Towns, but we will be directly in Tais Castle.

All of the Kingdoms will be there

...and I don't think they still forgive Upfront."

"But we're not the problem, Heartchilds."

"Nor are you the their eyes.

They'll think you are with Ruby.

But we're...… we are with Ruby?"

"I know you are, Dragon, I know you are; and we'll get her back."


"You'll both get her back."

"Ummmmmmm...….Not to be a downer, but what happens when Elwin sees this?"

"Who's to say she hasn't?"