
"Have any of you ventured inside?"

"We were waiting for you."

"Awww…...How thoughtful."

"Don't know if there are more hidden rooms or not, but..."

"We'll find them all."

"Might be able to use this as a teacher hang out spot. You know....away from the Kids."

"Or maybe even a Detention.

You really hit rock bottom then."

"I wouldn't be so sure on either."

"How's that?"

"We heard screaming.

…..Pull that book right there and let's go see."

"Like this?"


"Screaming you say?

...Decades later?"

"That's why we waited."

"I think you were just scared."

"Have you asked, Ruby?"

"Now that you think of it....no.

But this was their home. This was all of their homes. Theresas to. They were just kids probably thinking this was a daycare.

Don't need to rile anyone up, but we do need to diffuse these rooms as fast as we can. However, there are."

"Hopefully not a lot."



"Sounds coming from this way. They are getting louder."

"GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!



ANYONE...….SOMEONE.....Please......Answer me."

"How have they still been able to live after all these years?"

"Unless someone came down and kept checking on them."

"That would mean Tai never truly shut this place down."

"I can see that.

Just look at these walls. Look at the…..*Sluuuurrrreeeeet*

"Blood's still fresh."

"And the food is still warm."

"I don't like this, K. Not one bit."

"If the Majority found out, we'd be shut down for sure.

Let's just go low and slow."



"Wait, that voice sounds familiar."


"No. It couldn't be. He's gone. We saw his body wash up days after the Article."

"HELLO!!!!!!!!!! HELLO!!!!!!


...….It's dark in here.

I want to go home."

"This way. Follow the light from the cave walls."

"Peee..youuu… What's that smell?

That's no human odor."

"Smells like animal, but of what?"

".......Maybe that could explain."

".......That's.......a huge...…cage."

"Whatever was living in there, glad it didn't get out."

"You were saying?

Look at the big hole in the wall."

"The Dragon lived here?"



"Oh Heavens. Hang on. We're coming."

"Come on, open the gate. Open the gate."

"We're trying, but it's not budging."

"We need the key. Hold tight."

"Or maybe something else.


Crowbar....Crowbar...….Crowbar. Where would I......."

"Would this help?"


"Kid, stand back. We are going to ram the cell."


"Everybody lift on three. One...…two...Three."


Geez, what is this? It weighs a ton."

"It's an old machine part. Now come on. Together now.
