
"Kid, are you hurt? Are you ok? Where does it...."

"Stand back. We need to get these chains off of you."

"Why were you in here? What has Tai done with you?"

"They're too bolted together.

I'm gonna need to…"

"Now's not the time. He's starting to fall asleep from dehydration.

We got the cells opened, so let's just take him to a locksmith."

"But how?

The others will see us."

"We'll figure that out when we get there.

Help me put his arm around my shoulder.

Hun, you take the other and we'll drag him."

"I'll go clear ahead of any obstacles."

"Thank you, Miss. K."

"I sure hope he's gonna make it. If he doesn't get supplements soon…."

"He wasted all his energy banging on his cage, and rattling his chains."

"Tires himself out everyday."

"Probably making him too sleepy to be tested on.

I saw the makeshift lab equipment.

What do you think was going on?"

"Looked like miniatures, but all the same."


But that would mean..."

"Let's just get this boy out of the dark and up the.....stairs?"

"You pull, I'll push."

"Heartchilds, Miss K. Hello?

Is anyone in here? We were looking for what to do with the...…..Hmmm...No ones here.

I'll just turn the lights off then."

"Wait, nooo…noooo…nooo…nooo...*Flick*


"You guys rest here. I'll go find a lantern."




"Already a step ahead of you."

"So, what if he really is our son?"

"Then we have a lot of catching up to do?"

"Hello. Hello."

"Hun, he's sleeping. Don't wake him."


"How will we tell, Darius."

"You mean, how 'should' we tell; 'if' he in fact is."

"Should've never let him gone."

"We didn't have a choice. King's orders, remember?

Every able bodied man over the age of seventeen."

"I know. I know. Don't remind.

It's just...…I can't seem to think of why?

Can you?"

"He never said."

"Well, not speaking of Darius for a sec...…how do we tell Raphael everything that has happened?"

"Let's just focus on cleaning him up first.

Make him look presentable."

"To who? Us or Darius?"

"FOUND A LANTERN. It's dimly lit, but should be enough to make our way back, until the Sun shines our way."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's start scrabbling."

"Slowly though."

"Oh. Of course. Slowly, but more of a slow run, and not a walk."

"Couldn't agree more."

"You two rested well? I will do myt best to stay ahead of you and light your path, while also lighting mine."

"We will just have to stick very closely together."

"Come on, Raphael. Don't quit on me now."


"He might be."

"He might also not be.

Just a few more bends and we should be at the door."

"You sure it's still opened?

I might have accidentally placed the book back."


"What? I'm sorry."

"Nobody panic, doors always open both ways so their should be a handle on this side as well."


That is if we have enough light to see it."

"Then we better hurry.

Pick up the pace a little, people."

"Don't have to tell me twice."