
"Maybe it's best I stay here."

"No. You...…you can't stay. You have to go."

"Don't you dare….."

"......By order of your Queen."

"..................You know.

I will go on this Vacation, but you gotta stop doing that."

"After you go, I will think about it."


"Yea, Ru?"

"I already see you have been checked in at Hotel 10. Your tour guide will be waiting for you at..."



"Life is full of surprises, so don't ruin it."

"I was just..."

"I know, and I thank you.


"Packed and loaded.

"Well, I........Keep the City safe for me."

"Not miuch for goodbye's are you?"



But you're going to the city, not me.

Where'd she go?"

"You'll get used to it, Elwin."

"But this is no longer her Concern."

"Between you and be, best not say that to her."

"So, what are you going to do now, Ruby?"

"I don't know.

I've been kicked out of places, but never asked to stay away.

They just don't want me working on my own Present, but I've already seen what it is."

"Wish I could come with you but...….."

"I know.

Gotta give the man back his body.

Hey, you never know. Henry, one day someone might Wish you."

"That will be the day.

Enjoy yourself, and take care.

Glad I got to know you.

.....The real you."




*Knock, Knock, Knock.*

"Come in."

"Ruby, it's us.

Just wanted to see you off.

....You ok?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"You know, everyone is just looking out for what's best for you.

After your...….endevaours, and then getting locked up….."

"Go on."

"We realized that it is hard for not one single person to fully convey what has happened in the past few years.

Best by showing you."

"Besides, it would do you good to lay low for a while."

"While you clean up my mess?"

"Ruby, see this as a positive."


"There might not be a Xyone in the City, but there is a Xylobium.


"Mr. Heartchild, I know you are trying to make me feel better and all, but...…..thanks.

.......I should just go."



Aren't you going to say bye to Darius?"

".............Why would I?

I'll see him again."
