Yellow-Eyed Grass


"I'll be right there."


"I said I was coming. I was just.....

Oh, hi there. How may I help you tonight? Parents kick you out?"

"What? No. I.......oh. How old do you think I am?"

"I won't tell you.

If not the Parents, then was it the Community?"

"Something like that.

More, they are surprising me with someone and...….."

"Don't tell me.

You wanted to lend a hand because you're afraid of letting others lead; so they had no choice but to make you leave, so they can work in peace.

That about righ?"


Was hard leaving them all behind. Especially my fur babies."

"You got pets?

Why didn't you bring them?"

"Your sign out front.

...….I got a reckless Hampster, a dead-beat Kitty, and a...…."

"Ooooooo. Don't tell me. A dog with the bite of a lion."


"Oh. I took you as the reckless endangered type. The girl who loves all the wild animals that others don't."

"I was going to say, 'Dragon.'"

*Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick, Tick…..Tick…..*

".......Did I hear that right? You said you have a pet Dragon?

A Comodo dragon, or something that looks like such?"

"I mean, their breath isn't fake, if that tells you."

"Excuse me.....Their?

"Ah yes. I have two, but since they are Wilds; it was hard separating them from their Pack. So, once we secured one; the others followed suit."

"I'm sorry. Their is more of these flying beasts you have?

Remind me again where you're from."

"I...…..I thought I didn't say.

By the way, I never wanted to come here."

"I can tell."

"You can?"

"Your overall stance tells me you'd like to be anywhere but here.

By your sweet smelling perfume, I'd suggest...… outdoors girl?

Just as reckless as her pets."

"Well, I can't say you're lying; but yes.

The outdoors is my home. It is where I belong. Where I grew up, and where I died.

I would spend hours just soaring through the trees, talking to the little birdies, and riding the backs of little Ants as they stroll me through thick tall yellow-eyed grass."

"Do you mean where you wanted to die?"


Sorry. Just...…"

"Don't get out much?"

"You could say that.

By the way, what fun is there to do around here?

Any botanical gardens, Nature parks....Zoos, Amphitheaters, backstage......"

"Let me stop you right there.

This is a City, not a forest, but we do have Operas, and Movie theaters, where you can go watch a ….."

"I'm sorry. Movie....theaters?"


Basically feel like you're in the forest again. Hi res images, surround sound, and the best part......…Curve Tv.

You can't tell me you don't know what a Tv is......….do you?"


"Oh. Oh.

We have Restaurants, mini malls for your shopping desires, and even Arcades where you can make new friends cause I know...…..everyone could have one."

"I have friends. They're just...….I don't know."

"That's not gonna cut it."

"It's not?"

"Tell you what. We do have a few Greenhouses. They are like tiny glimpses of Nature. I'm sure you'd love those."

"Who keeps them? And how can you trap them? These flowers are….."

"I'll just show you to your room, and have you meet them tomorrow."

"Tomorrow? Why don't I just...….oh. Ok.


"And Wild girl."


"If you want to, you can turn the AC on. Make it feel like wind, blowing through your hair."


"Breakfast is from 7:00-9:30.

If you need anything else, just call the front desk and one of us will assist you."


One last thing."


"Could you tell me where I could find Queen Rosa? Would love to thank her in person for this stay."


Get some sleep, girl, and I'll see you in the morning."