Call a spade a spade, and a Jack a Jack

"Ride for Ruby."

"Yes Ma'am. Hop in."


"Where to today?"

"I was hoping you could show me."

"I'd be delighted too.

Buckle up."

"Wait...….Wait.....come back.

You got the wrong Ruby.

I'm Ruby.

...….I'm the one that called you."

".....................First time in the big City?"

"Was it that obvious?"

"You keep looking out the window as if everything is new.

What? Were you born yesterday or something?"

"A few weeks ago, actually."



Where are you taking me, anyways?"

"Well, I have two tickets and one kids ticket I was supposed to pick up for a Ruby....Oliiova, and her daughter; but you don't seem to be either. Plan was to meet them here, pick them up, and then go get Tickets for this evening's performance, but I'm sure they'll catch another ride.

"Can I go then?"

"Blunt and condescending.

They go every year, and I know they can afford why not."


"But as I said, 'Show doesn't start for a few hours, so besides stealing peoples tickets, any hearts you want to grab?"

"I'm not here for someone. know........Looking."

"Well, in that case, there is plenty to look and see here.

I can be your Shouffer if you'd like."

"Do I have to pay you anything?"

"Well…, but as I said, I have three tickets here.

You can be the Kid, I'll be one of the adults, and if you can find a third; I'd be willing to settle with that."

"Why have you never gone yourself?"

"Shouffers and drivers have one thing they do all day."

"What's that? Drive!!!"


Sit in the car all day while we stare at whatever our Clients went into, not being able to accompany them, or do anything; for fear that maybe they have to leave early."

"Oh. I.....I'm sorry."

"It's ok.

Cool phone by the way."

"This? It's not mine."

".....Of course it's not.

Anything catching your eye so far?"

"Flower shop."

"Oh. You got a mother in your life, for Mothers day?"

"Well, yes; but she can't see. Yet somehow she has outlived all of us."

"With flowers, it's the smell that counts."



Here, have a yogurt.

I'll just be a minute."

"You stole that too?"

"More like was given."




"Try not to steal anything in there. Please.

Mrs. Sands is a dear friend of my mom's inner circle, so word will get back to me."
