Dream big. Stay positive. Work hard, and enjoy the journey


"How may I help you today?"


"Whelp, it's definitely no Nature, but the smells there."

"You seem to know this place, and what you want?"

"Yes. I was…..Oh. Hello there."

"My names is Mrs. Sands.

How do you do?"

"First, let me say; lovely shop you have."

"Thank you."

"Second, do you need more flowers?"

"More flowers?"

"You don't seem to have enough. See that little tiny corner all the way over there? It has no flowers in it."

"Oh. That's because it is a reading corner for my son.

He loves to just sit away from everyone and feel like he is still in nature, but away from the rest."

"I see.

Can I have a...basket of every flower?

And may I see your son?"

"I'm sorry, but my son does not come with the flowers."

"No. I..*Heee*

…What I meant to say was, 'I have something to give to your son'.

You thought I meant, 'Can I have flowers, and your son?'

Dear no."

"I'll get you a basket, and have his sister bring him out."

"Thank you."


"Yes, Mom?"

"Someone is here to see you."

If it's Chloe, then I'm not ready for her."

"It's not...….

She wants to talk about your flower obsession."

"My flower...


Mom, I thought I told you to just keep this between us, as in our little secret."

"I know, but she seems really nice. Just come out and talk to her for a sec."


"Here's your flowers. Come back any time."

"Just leave them there for now. I'll be back for them; after I show your son something.

So, you're who your mother has beamfully spoken of?"

"Kid, if you are one from my school who is trying to rectruit me to come study at your 'rad' place, instead of here in my mothers shop, surrounded by flowers; then you can just forget it."

"I'm not rectruing you to leave, but to stay."


But......but flowers is a girl thing. What good am I going to do if I stay?

What will my friends think if they see me one day as they walk in?"

"Have they walked in?"

"Well...…..not all of them......…but it could happen."

"Yes, and when it does; they will be surprised, not of who you are, but the bond that you share."


"Come over here to these baskets of scraps."

"Those? Mom's gonna throw those away.

They are just withered flowers, stems, and cut up roots that are no longer of use."

"Don't say that. Every part of a flower is useful. Whether in herbs, teas, baskets, wreaths, or even just in beauty.

Tell you what. Take a look at these flowers, dream of whatever you want with them. Focus on that thought, and follow it the full way......….it wil turn true."


"Really really."

"Oooooo....I want a Flower Mermaid. I want a Flower Meramaid.

Come on......let it be true."

"You ready, Kid?"

"I'm crossing my fingers, and crossing my heart."

"Then don't close your eyes, or else you'll miss the magic."

"Please let it be. Please let it be. Please let it...…*Huuuuuuuuuuu* Mom. Look. Look. Somethings happening."


"She's forming. She's forming...and...…."


"She's beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Oh thank you. Thank you. Thank you."

"Why are you thanking me? It was you who brought her to life."

"You mean it?"

"Do I look like one to lie?"


"What's your name?"


"I'll name her Jewels."

"Well, here I was thinking you wanted my name in order to name her."


Just to properly thank you. Wait till I get back to school and tell everyone. None of them will believe me."