Quicker than the speed of light

"I heard you two talking a little while you got out of the car, and it didn't sound like 'Here, give me your hand so you don't fall stuff.'

Is there someone else you would rather be?"

"Not at the moment. No."

"Good, cause I wouldn't want you to leave. We have only just begun."

"So has Queen Elwin."

"I have heard.

Tragic news really.

How did her father die again? Choking on his own blood?"

"Not his, but someone elses."

"Oooooh, so you were there? You wouldn't have happened to know the reason why, would you?"

"Just heard it from a friend. And since he lives 'in' the city, I believe that is more viable than you hearing it down the pipe chain."

"Couldn't agree more, but enough of woes and toes. I want to hear more about you."

"What do you mean?"

"You're back, aren't you?"

"I'm back?"

"Yes, you're back. Why?"

"Oh. Darius Heartchild is to be credited for."

"Not how. Why?"

"I…..…don't know the answer to that."

"Dipped Cream cheese and chocolate strawberry?"


"Well, once you figure that out, give me a ring."

"That is 'if' I figure it out myself."



"These strawberries are amazing. Just the right balance and taste throughout."

"Glad you like them."

"Now, if we could only get all the Kingdoms to be this unified and balanced."

"That...….would take a lot of Strawberries."

"I hope people are hungry."



Ummm…..…that was my pet dog."

"You don't have a dog. She died two months ago."

"Are you sure you died?"

"Just checking in."

"I see. I see.

Well, let me say that I too am checking in....on you.

What are your plans for the rest of the day?"

"Laser tag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"You say that with such glee.

Do you even know what that is?"

"No, but it sounds fun.

And...….I got personally invited. The man even gave me his daughter's phone and it will ping once he knows where we…..


Just like that.

Give me a sec. He has texted me his address and wants us to meet up.

How do I...."



"What do you want to say?"

"Sounds good. Can't wait to kick your little butts."

"Ruby, you can't text that."

"I'm not. You are."

"Well, I mean; he sounds like he knows you, so I guess.

'You're going down to Alleytown.' "


"What? The Laser tag mixes both outdoors and indoors.

Just an old alley with a cover overhead.

You're welcome.

...Besides introducing you to how guns work, how have you liked it here thus far?"

"The people are very nice."

"What about your teleporting? Do they still like you?"

"My what?"

"Oh, don't kid me, Kid. Elwin has told me about you in order to keep an eye on you."

"I told her I didn't need to be."

"That's what friends are for."

"What did she say?"

" 'Even with her Seed gone, she is still going to be'...…"


" 'Faster than the speed of light.''"

"Then don't try stopping me, or else when two masses meet….."

"I know. I know. Don't worry. I know you're still going to do your own thing. Just wanted to let you know we still care.

All I say is...please don't end up in the paper. Especially the first page."

"Why? Cause that's where you go?"

".......Something like that."