Read between the lines

"What if I were to say something else will steal your spot?"

"Careful, little lady."

"No. No. I'm not referring to myself."



"Then who are you referring to?"

"Yes, the Royals are what make a Kingdom, but the people are what make the people."

"What are you trying to say? Came to clear out a Rat I have?"

".......Something like that."



If there is a rat in my Kingdom, don't I have the right to know?"

"The Exterminator does, not you.

That's why if you hire them for one rat, they never tell you how many they actually caught at the end of the day."

"Just be careful.

I'm trying hard not to open the Paint Can."

"Don't you worry. If this Rat turns into a fleet, then I will let you know."

"You promise?"



"You have my word."

"That you won't tell, or that you promise you will?"

".......Haven't decided yet."

*Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click. Click.*

"Hey, you. Are you a photographer or something?"

"Or Something.

If I were you, you best get out of here as quiet as you can before crap hits the fan."

"I don't smell anything."

"You will."


This is our block."

"Technically, this block belongs to the King and his….."

"I know the King, and he wouldn't mind."

"I don't think you......Wooooo!!!!

Watch it."

"I said, 'The King gave us his permission.'"

".....When I told you to leave, I meant yesterday."

"What about you?"

*Tap, Tap*

"I'll be fine."


"How's a camera supposed to protect you from Theo?"

"It's not about the camera but who sees the camera?"


"Ha. It's always about reading between the lines, or in your case; walking between them."


"Uhoh. They're headed this way. I think they saw you."

"Yeah, but not you. I can handle them."

"With a camera?"


"....You fiming us old man?"


"You give us your keys, and we'll let you keep your pictures."


"You deaf old man? I said out of the car, now!!!!!!"

"Okay. Okay. I'm climbing out slowly, but please be careful. This isn't my car, but my bosses.

If he finds out I lost two of his Fleet's in one day, he'll kill me."

"And what do you think we're going to do to you?

Keys...…hand them over."

"Back packet on your left.

No, my left, your right."


"Don't try anything funny about running away, you hear?"

" 'Don't be the hero. Don't be the hero.' "

"HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!!!!


Get away from me you Creeps."

"Come back here, Pretty Lady. Don't you want your receipt?"


"Sometimes you gotta break the rules, though..."

"I got em."

"Wahooo. Let's get out of here in our new ride."

"Or maybe breaking a few faces wouldn't hurt."


" nose."


"Come on. Get in."

"He broke my nose. He broke my nose."

"Let me see.

Nah Dog, your nose aint broken. Just your dignity."

"Come on. Start it up. Start it up. What's taking so long?"

"Did he give us the wrong keys or something?"

"I hear the engine revving?"

"......That's not the engine revving..."



"Let go of me, man. Owwww. That hurts."

"Drop the gun, or I squeeze your neck.

Drop it!!!!!!!"

"Ok. Ok.



"Yes. Now, if you'd please..."

"Kneel before me!!!!!!!!"

