
"How could I forget? Came back to see me off?"

"No. Just to make sure you didn't wreck anything more. We only have one of these, remember."

"I know. I know. You don't have to worry about anything. I got you."

"Thanks. Time to go check on Rainbow and Ruby. Wish me luck."

"I'll be here."

"....But where?

There goes Darius now. Time to make my move."


"No. No. No. No. Darius, what are you doing?"

"Always lock everything before leaving, even in a safe neighborhood. You never know who's watching.


Still can't believe we did it."

"You mean I...…did it.

Good thing stems don't hurt an apple, cause they come very much in handy.


Come on. Come on. Work.


"Uhoh. What's that?

Darius, IS THAT YOU?

Having trouble with the...…*Click*

Come on, Snackies. Shhh. Follow me."

"I got it.

We're in."


"Shh, you smell this, Mice? Go get it.

Snacks, go get them."

"Woooooooo!!!!! What is this place, and why so many subject tubes?

Darius, what are you...'Test tubes.'

These look interest.....Oh no. Oh no. Get away from me. Get away from me. I'm not edible, little Mice. I'm not..."



Get off. Get off!!!"




"I think it is."


"Bye. Bye!!!!"

"......Are they up yet?"

"Darius, shh. They're still up there. Don't....Darius.

Darius, wait for me."

*Knock, knock, knock*

"Come in.

Good morning, Ruby. Have you.....where's Rainbow?"

"Left a few minutes before I woke up. Said she had to go somewhere and check on something. I didn't ask further. Maybe she's...."

"Right over here...…..and you'll have no idea who I stumbled across."

"Let go of me, Rainbow. I said, 'Let go.'

"Suit yourself."


"Ouch. Couldn't you have put me down more quietly?"

"Couldn't you have spied more loudly."




Is this true? After everything we talked about? I thought we were good."

"We were anything but good. You seriously thought your loose lips could answer my questions?"

"No, but you said they...."

"So I did some digging of my own. Do you all want to know where Darius goes every Eve? Who he goes with, and who he experiments on?

I'm here to tell you, not me. That's who."

"You're jealous?"

"Apple, Ruby and I told you. We just don't have anything close enough to your…..":

"I don't want to hear it.

Could've still been kept in the loop you know. Me and my people are always placed on the back burner, and never get the recognition we deserve and respect."


"Well you could've just asked, and not snooped through our house. We would never snoop through yours."

"What do you mean? I let you in."

"Exactly. You let us in. We didn't let you in here."

"Yeah, that's because you're hiding something. I'm gonna tell Ruby.

The test tubes. The Animals. The Cages. The Subjects. You're not just curing the Kids...…..YOU'RE MAKING YOUR OWN KIDS!!!!!"

".....Ruby, you don't have to get up out of…."

"Is this true?"

"Well, no. See, we…."

"So, our school is built on nothing but lies? I was at a Ball with Queen Rosa, you were their Rainbow; where she boldly and proudly stated that we would help people unlock their hidden talents and skills.

Not inject people with them. I knew Upfront was right when they warned us. Should've listened better."