
"Ruby, you can trust us. You can trust me."

"And me."

"We're just making backups. Right, Darius? Backups."

"Testing them on all the animals."

"That part I get, but then explain the frog, or Godfather. How'd you know they were?"

"Well…..they weren't."

"I rest my case."

"But. But. But. But. But…

I heard the news of the Majority attack.

What would happen if you weren't there?"

"But I was. See all of these Gift bakers beside me? You can't tell them otherwise."

"How about this? Everything will still stay in your control from here on out, but the Hunting…is still on us."

"We just didn't know when you'd be out, Ruby. Honest."


"Cross my heart, hope to die; stick a needle in my eye."

"If it won't fit, stick it where it wil prick."

".....Happy, Apple?"

"But that still doesn't answer my question?"

"What about me?"

"What about you?

You have the tree of life; we have nothing.

Don't let your greed consume you."

"It's not greed. I am completely content with what we have. It's just..."

"You want more?"


"That's greed. Jealousy and greed."

"Ruby, I...…..*Hmmpphhh*

I see you're not on my side either. I'll just walk off and…."


"Aaaaagh. Let go of me, Ruby. Let go this instant. I don't need a makeover."

"No, but you need a timeout, and you won't come out until you learn what self-discipline is."

"Wait. Wait. I don't like what's in…."



"Now that he's gone, I hope he's out of your hair."

"We didn't ask you to get involved."

"We had it under control."

"I could see that.

But I'd still like to see for myself."

"Umm...should we tell Elwin where you're going?"


And…..help yourself to some of the food in the Baskets. Just leave a few for me when I return."

"When's that going to be?"

"I don't know yet."

"So, Ruby. I know you have seen the town."

"And the Statue."

"And the School."

"But you haven't been able to see the results of our 'Mission.'"

"I saw the Viles, and they worked amazingly. I am not against you using them on Non-born; for I am all for Creativity and spreading your wings; but….."

"A jealous Apple was not the best way to introduce you?"

"Threatingly no."

"Although Moe is out of the equation, when you see this new Lab, you still have to give credit to his helping out."

"Why's that?"


"Cause he installed the defenses."

"Then why didn't those guns trigger on Apple?

They did. Look at the ground. The problem is that he was just too small, and.…"

"Moe has never seen Chopped, so he wasn't able to bring them into the mix."

"I see.


But I also see someone else. Who was that?"

"Umm…..maybe we should."

"No. I've made it this far. No turning back now."


"Theresa....it's us."

"Who's us? Are you sure you're not disguises?"


"I heard elephants have strong ears, so if you can…."


"Welcome back, Rainbow."


"Welcome back, Darius."


....Nice to see you again, Ruby."

".....Been a while."