
"It's been too long. What brings you back?"

"Heard Apple stopped by."

"He didn't stay long."

"No, but if we don't get ahead of this now, then the next person who comes will do more than just 'stop by.'

"What do you propose? We can't just move all of this stuff. I mean, look how big some of this is. They were designed to move one, then stay put."

"We have Moe's weapons, but they can only do so much. This is a Lab, not an undercover secret hideout."


"What? Did I say it wrong or something?"

"No. That's what we need to do. Move all of this undercover. Somewhere where no one will be anle to penetrate. Under the….."



Ruby, I can't swim."

"And I can't float."

"You don't have to do either. A whole entire Lab, encircled in water.

…..I'll go talk to a friend of mine while you all get a 'Press' ready."

"Why would we need a 'Press' if we're moving?"

"It's either now or later. Look, you can still tell everyone about the Viles, the Subjects, the Tests; and even the fact that you do it all in Jasmine's lab.

They'll come looking, but nothing will be here. You didn't lie to them. I didn't lie to you. We keep our face with the Public, and….."

"Hold back our noses."

"They just won't be able to make due on their Greed."

"And who might I ask are you going to talk to?"

"A Mermaid."

"But I thought they.....…..I know you'll be able to handle it."

"Thank you. We saved her life, and now she can save ours. As a token, we can even give them legs."

"What about the Fishermen? Ones from last time?"


I haven't made it that far yet. Maybe I'll sprinkle a little Graffiti; cause a Misdirection. Or maybe sprinkle Landons love potion over all the Mermaids when they come out."

"Not helping."

"I know.

The sooner we get this done, the better."

"One question."


".....Do I have to wear my swimsuit?"


…No, Darius; you do not. You are me, and Rainbow….."

"Always have one handy."

"What about me, or the others entering?"

"You won't be holding your breath that long. Just to the front door.

As for Elwin...….she has been trying her best not to hide things behind closed doors; and...…don't forget that she did get an amazing swimsuit of her own."

"I was afraid you were going to say that."

"She's not. So, we're not. As of right now...."

"What about, Moe?"

".......As of right now, we will still be the only ones entering."

"Their is one more thing I'd like to show you, now that we got you here."

"Oooh. Which is?"

"If you'd follow me this way, please."


"Go. Go.

We'll wait for you here."

"We cab't go underwater without these.

Darius and I use these suits to clean the Tanks with, but there's no harm in stretching them further."

"No harm whatsoever."

"Those though aren't what I wanted to show you, but….."



You didn't make it, did you? After what your father and I talked about!!!"

"Ruby, just give It a chance, and hear me out. We have Dragons in the sky, Mermaids in the sky, and the School will be pulling Magic from the Deceased. Answer me this, 'What will happen if everything goes Rogue again?"

"We'll defend, like we did last time."


"And lose it all?


We need something more powerful than everything put together. Something that makes our hunting a whole lot easier."

"Is….is…..he dangerous?"

"Extremely, but although he may be built like a tank; he has the heart of a Lion. When you're gone…..I know we'll be safe."

"Safe's not the word for it. I for sure know I wouldn't want to cross him. What's his name?"

"DeathPetal!!!!! ….I mean, you...are amazing, but whenever we need that know He's not too far...."

"Who controls him?"

".....Who do you think? Me, and me only. Blood of my blood, mixed with the blood of his."

"Should I be scared of you more, or the Majority?"

"That depends."