
"Rainbow, you got the box?"

"I got a camera."



Tai may have abandoned our Families, but we won't."

"Just don't take any pics of blood."

"Only hugs. Got it."

"And if you see a Necklace dangling from them..."

"Then that is definitely not your Aunt or Uncle."

"You seriously think we are stupid enough that we won't know what our own Relatives look like; whether trapped, or not. We may be young, but we are.....




"Everybody get your guns out. We just want to stun him and nothing else."

"What even is that thing?"

"Even Beasts need Protectors, Kitty. Even Beasts."

"But there's nothing here to...…protect!!!"

"Well, at least we now know where they are."

"Yeah; not by us.




"How many Guardians are there?"

"Too many."

"Ruby, can't you just put them all to sleep or something?"

"When you put something to sleep, you usually sleep the person; wake the Dream. In these cases...…there is nothing to wake. Nothing for them to hope in, and turn back to."

"Then it looks like we are doing this old school.




"How'd you miss? You just point and shoot. That's all their is to it."

"Swords aren't guns, Kids.

Give us a little."

"We don't have a little.

Animal Transformations, now!!!!"






"Rainbow, hop on."

"Ruby, what about you? Didn't you lead them before?"

"That was a long time ago, Rainbow; and besides...back then...…I WASN'T HUNTING THEM."

"Oh yeah. Just showing them love, without solving the problem."

"How was I to know I could've done more? I am no Healer. Just tried to be a loving girl. Show some when their was none."


"I know. I know.


Times have changed; and with do we."




"One down, many more to go.

Any of you recognize him?"

"He's not my Uncle."

"Not my uncle."

"Not mine."

"Then we keep looking.

Here you go. Catch.

Don't know if these clothes my Mom made will fit you, but better then nothing."

"You sure you brought enough?"

"You mean, am I sure my Mom made enough?

I brought all she gave me."

"Thank you. Oh thank you. I have never felt more alive in my own skin than when I was...….Ruby?"


We're trying to find these Kids parents, and get the others back to health."


"...Have you seen our Parents?"

"Oh no."

"You sure?

I can't see that well in the dark, but I..."

"You shouldn't be here."

"Why? Don't our parents want to see us? They have been trapped as Animals for a long time now, and I know it's been a while but we have finally made a cure so that they can come home. Come home to their family and friends that miss them so.

You don't want that to happen?"

"Are you preventing us from seeing our parents?"