
"Ummmmm....You may be too late."

"Too late? Second chances are never too late."

"You may be their earthly children, but....."


"They have already made families of their own.

So I ask; "Is it greed that you want to take them away, or is it love?"

"........I....thought it was love."

"Wooo. Woo. Hold your tails. We are not taking anybody away from anywhere.

We are just helping them get back to what they were true. Nothing is keeping them from changing."


Not Tai, kicking us out; nor you…..keeping us in?"

"I didn't know what I could do, but now I.....…..We...know what to do. So let us help.

The question isn't are you preventing these Kids from seeing their parents, but more… are you preventing their parents...from seeing their Kids?"

"Their parents are dead."





"They would never recognize you, and the possibility that they could potentially still turn into humans........you can forget about it. Too risky, taking them from what they know."

"It's a risk we are willing to take

Even if slim, we owe it to these Kids."

"Wait. Rainbow, listen to yourself."


"If all of these Animals are indeed Cousins, then that would mean....."



"Whoooo. Whooo.

Whooo. Whoo."

"Meeowwwww!!! Meeeowwwww!!!!"

"Bloob....bloob….bloob, bloob, bloob."

"Bzzzzzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzzz."


"I take back what I said earlier.

We definitely do not have enough clothes for every single Animal."

"So, again I ask; 'Would you really take away their homes, just to put them in yours?"

"Oh no."

"The Feast."

"The what?"

"Elwin is thanking everyone for their support and interest in the School. I told her to enjoy herself."

"Not eat herself."

"Eat herself?

You mean that I…."


"Don't. Please..."


Water. I need water to get the taste out of my mouth."

"Here you go."

"You need water? I need…."

"Here you go."

"Ummmm. That's not what I…..


But I…*.Owmmm….owmmmm…owmmmm*....Like it."

"Don't talk with your mouth full."

"I miss my Candycane swords now."

"Rainbow, we cannot survive off of Candy the rest of our lives."

"Why not? My People have been doing it for centuries, and they all turned out fine."

"I don't know if you've seen recently or not, but we are not your people."

""I rather be mine than Elwins."