


AS You all are slowly transforming back to your lives. Back to your loved ones; and back to the Future; let this change not only be physical....but mental.

All of us have had to change for the worse...…the better….and the best.

Now you two as well have changed. So please…..let me say how sorry I am for stepping away. None of this would've happened if I just….."


We're sorry.

We didn't kill us....."

"But we tried to kill you."

"Serenity though. She….she….."

"Here I am."

"She helped remind us that food is more than just Meat."

"And that you...….are more than just a Queen."

"Please accept our apology, and forgive us our wrongs."






Only if you forgive me of mine."

"WE DO."

"Then from this day forth, let us both learn a very valuable lesson.

Trust...That's the only thing that can't break us.....and I didn't trust you that day."


"And we've seen the results of that.

In more ways than one.

…So I ask you...….Can we continue to live forward..."


".....Always and forever."

"Hand in hand, till the end."

"The challenges will be great…"

"And many will give up."

"But together…"


"Two chains are stronger than one."


"Will you kindle your fire with me."

"Elwin, you….you.....I…..Why aren't I burning either?"

"You let go of my hand, and now you are seen as your own."


"Who's ready for this Magic School now?"





"Our clan may be shrinking, while the Majority grows day by day, but although the Majority has claimed one more member today; we have claimed far much more.
