
"Laphate will definitely get that once he arrives."

"Hilda, what did you see? How'd it go? How'd it…."


"WE'RE BACK. And I promise your Kids are stil in one piece. Don't mind the bullet holes. I'll get you all a new Bus, good as new."

".....Let's just say a Kingdom fell today."


"Ohhhh…..boy. Sitting for too long really hurts the spine. I think I have a cramp now. Oooo.....that'll hurt for a few weeks.":

"And it wasn't Castle of Fire."

"But you know what won't hurt?"

"...Uhhhh….what's that, my King?"

"Studying...… be the best.

Spelling Bee is coming up, and I want us to be at the top of our game."

"But their is nothing to…"


No second places, third places, or honorable mentions. I want to totally crush the competition to the point it feels they didn't even stand a chance.

I want them humiliated in our Shadows. Ridiculed in their streets, and called out for their lack of a brain."

"King, this…..wouldn't have anything to do with the School you visited, would it? You don't have to be better than them. Just focus on us. No need for comparing."

"I'm not comparing. I want to wipe them out so much that they don't even want to step in. Nor even cross their mind of…."

"But what about the other Studies and classes? We can't just…."

"Science, Math, and a large vocabulary for the Spelling Bee is all I want you to focus until I say otherwise.

I want to show you don't need unstable Magic to get ahead."

"So this is a..."

"Then I want these Kids smart enough so that when we roast them, they all know what they're talking about."

"Sir, these are Kids. They should be learning together; not fighting each other. That will just cause…."

"Can you read my lips?"

".....Yes, sir."

"If you need more money, to fund the Kids lack of sleep, then...…*Click……..vrooooop*

Here. I just sent you some."

"Ummm…Sir, I think you sent me the wrong check. That's a lot of money; and I thought you said we were investing it into the Future of there Kids over at…."

"I changed my mind.

I am investing it in schooling...…..MY SCHOOLING.


"...Yes, Sir. As you wish."


Kids, go take your seats.

Oh, and.....Kain isn't coming back; so if the Principal has any questions or needs help with anything in any sort of way....anything at all...…tell him to see me....and only me."


"....Yes, sir. I will let them know."

"Enjoy your Studies, Kids. Don't work yourself too hard."


".......What the hell was that for, Dentist? You don't need to slam your fists on the table when you're angry. Just talk out your emotions. That's what the Tongue is for."

"You assigned me as Treasurer, Elwin."

"Of the School; yes. Is something wrong?"

"My phone just dinged....we lost an Investor."


"....King Laphate has officially backed out."

"Why is….."

"Because with him, what he offered was double the others; so now.....I....We don't hardly have enough for anything, even if the remainder of us keep pooling."

"We could.....Ohh. Got it.

That's what Tuition is for. We can charge parents more."

"Darius, the point of this School is for Parents to invest in their Childs training, while we handle the rest. The more we can pay upfront, means the less they pay moving forward.

But...most people are already giving large enough as is. To give more would be to cut one of their own Active Programs, to help fund an unforeseen Program that no one knows which way it could go."

"I wish I still had my wishing necklace, and used it for more useful things than just playing around."

"What was that?"

"Nothing....I....I will go talk with the remaining Kingdoms, and see if they would be willing to Pool more resources. That is if none of them have already backed out further."