
"Sugar and spice and everything nice?"


"Faster, Kyle; faster. We're gaining on her."

"DeathPetal; Transform...…and...…..Fly Dragon. Fly!!!!!!!"


"Natysh, bigger does not always mean better.



…..Just means slower."





"Are you ok, Natysh?"

"King Kyle?"


"What did we say about flying indoors?"


We were racing and I had to beat Natysh's sister, Rainbow with her Dragon; so I….."

"Be the adult, Kyle."

"But I was racing."




"Ah, come on. How was I slow?"


"....Were you using his strength...or yours?"

"I...…Well you saw.

I was trying, wasn't I?"

"But not fast enough. I still…..



...Saw great progress in you today. Job well done."

"Thank you, Kyle. Thank you, Natysh. I couldn't have…."

*Clap...Clap.....Clap, Clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap*


"Ruby, I...how long have you...I thought you left?"

"Where would I go?

I told you I would never leave you nor take my eyes off of you, and I never have."

"I didn't see you.

DeathPetal couldn't even..."

"I create Animals.

You may be able to create DeathPetal from Spells, but the Human Heart surpasses all, and these traits were not implanted, Rainbow.

….Nor were they born.

They were trained. Something you can't do with DeathPetal…..only you.

...I am proud of you."

"Th…th…..thank you, Ruby."

"You're welcome, but I see that not only you took my advice, but others as well.

Kyle, you're going to make a great dad. From what I've seen today with Rainbow…."

"But Rainbow is a girl. She's not a…


.....Thank you."

"Natysh, are you glad I brought you two together?"


"And here you thought I was the Witch. Even your sister helped me become one; but little did you know that the real witch...….was already among you."

"What uhhh...what are you doing?"

"Don't worry. I am not going to bless your baby, nor sprinkle your head and say a word of praise.

Each human is their own; and the choice is his and his alone. You do not affect the outcome, but you can help the path.


…..And what I can see, with all Three of you stabnding there....the Path your boy walks on, I know will be a wodnerful one."