
"What's.....so.....wonderful about it?"

"But sir. Our numbers grow day by day."

"They're still here, King Laphate.

Why didn't you pour the final drink? End all of this?"


"You weren't there, so you don't know.

Maybe he was stopped. Maybe he couldn't. Maybe he was found out and….."


…..It's still a win either way you look at it, so I will excuse you this time. She has lost two more Investors, and we have gained two more allies."

"I...….yes. Glad you see it that way.


"You're welcome Laphate, but you do know that one day everyone will learn that Kain is your son. If you have truly abandoned him like you told everyone; then you would have poured the drink, but I know you still have feelings.

Just don't expect me to be there for you again."

"Got it.

And again, thank you."

"....You're welcome, Elwin. I just hope you will get the others to agree as well. Fending for yourself is one thing; but fending for others is another entirely. You're telling us to give up so much as is in order to change."

"Give up?

Why would I have anyone give up, my King?

In fact, in this world; you need to be stronger than ever. I know this school is so big, we so small; and the World so grand, but if we all focus on one room to ourselves, then maybe.... .just maybe....we can shrink the world down to fit in our hands.

So I have one question for you.

What is one thing that your two hands love to do?"

"Is this a personal question, or as a group? Cause…."

"That's for you to decide.

Kain and I will be back for your answer. Can't wait to see who the real King inside is that wants to show the world."

"All I have inside me is a pair of ribs, and a gut, Little Lady."

"I'm sure if you look deep enough, you can find more than that."

"....You know what, Elwin? You're not like your Father at all. I had my doubts, but thankful they were just that."

"To be honest; me to you.

But thankfully, you did not act on such."

".....Whose to say I didn't act? I might as well have just rolled over and…."

"Kain, I don't know what you've done, nor what trials you had to face with your father, but I promise..."

"It's ok. Elwin.

Their is no need to bring it up."

"But I must.

….We may be building a School with our hands, but I want to build a family with my heart. Just need a Key. A key that will unlock my…"


"Kain, what was that all about? I didn't even…."

"I accept."

"My father may have abandoned me, but I will never leave you nor forsake you."



"Thanks, Kyle."

"Ruby, can we get out of here now? Leave them alone..…..in peace. Don't tell me you're getting sucked in as well due to their dreariness."



..Ruby? Do you see my hand in front of you….snap out of it."

"Wha…Oh…ohh…ohh. I wasn't staring."

"Then what do you call what you were doing?"

"I was reminiscing."

"On what?

Days of past, or days of future?"

"...Hopefully both. Maybe it's not such a bad thing after all that I get involved on the front lines, instead of just setting up the stage so nobody falls off the back."

"Oh no. I feel where this is going. Ruby, if you step away; I am too young to stand in. You heard them. I am too small. Too weak. Too…"

"Rainbow, I am not stepping away, nor leaving for you.

…..Will need an early start tomorrow, Rainbow."

"Yes, Ruby."