
"I still think we should tell everyone."

"....Tomorrow, Kain. Tomorrow."

"Is it true? Is it true?"

"Ruby may have erased our pasts, but now we can make way for our shapeful future; and I promise….We will raise him right.

The Kingdoms may have split, the Power may have shifted, and wars may have been fought; but what we are doing now...bringing together an equal balance of not one person holding all the cards, but several...…I can say that I am happy to be raising my….no...our…..son in these times….

…..'So join us for the Coronation, and the adoption of our boy; Eryx Altair Cloud.

….The Flying Eagle….who soars above.'"


"You saw that too?"

"Kain, how could I not?"

"You know what this means?"

"I don't know if I want to be happy for her, or hasdy at her."


"Happy sad. With this new baby, how will she have time for us? What if....what if...….what if she pulls out?"

"Elwin, you heard her on breaking news. She says she and Kyle feel this is a perfect time to raise their boy. Not leading up to the war. Not in the war; nor in the aftermath of the war.....but in the calm."

"I know. I should be happy for her. It's just...."

"We'll figure it out, Elwin. Together."


"Yeah. I saw it too."

"Whelp, Kyle is in the thick of it now. All in."

"All in.


So are we."


"What is it, Elwin?"

"We got another Investor."


"The Heartchilds."

"They don't have to do that. They…"

"Mr. Heartchild says he would love to send Darius to our school and with this recent rise in Status…..they want to do more than just raise their boy here; but all."




" 'Just sold the house and am looking to move into the Mansion. Thought that the best way to show that we are serious about our move would be to show how serious we are about you. It's not just our future we are moving too, but the future of all.' "

"...Ruby, Ruby, Ruby...look. Did you see? Did you see?"

"I know, Rainbow. I was there."

"No, but look.

Now it's official. Look. Look. Look."

" 'So join us for the uplifting not just for our son, but for a brighter future all around. We have all had to face changes, and trials; but none of us have given up. None of us have waivered, and none of us have foreseen; but look what dedication and prayer can get you. Never give in. Never never never give in. Though the darkest nights may put you to slumber; may the brightest days be just around the bend.' "

"You do know what this means, Ruby? Can we go? Can we go? Can we go? Pleeeeeassseeeeee."

"She's your sister."

"....You're not coming?"

"I didn't say that."

"But….it was you who put this in motion."

"I did no such thing. I just pushed."

"Ruby, have you ever looked back on who you saved and watched to see the fruits of your labor, because I promise that if you had; you would have seen this. A flower growing in the field of weeds.


"You should head back, Rainbow. Your sister will be worried; and right now…..that's the last thing she needs."

"But what can I do? Where will you be?"

"Kain may know how to handle kids; but in this time; even he will...."

"That's what Maids and such are for. Isn't it?"

"Maids can't replace blood. They can replace family, but not loved ones."

"Ruby, I know what you are going to do."

"Rainbow, it's not what I am going to do, but what I am going to prevent someone else from doing.

Wait….what are you….."


"Thanks, Ruby.

You might not be there physically in person, but I know you won't be too far away. Always watching."


"So wipe your tears, and please don't cry. Not here. Not now. Crying is what I need to do."

"I'm not crying. I'm just…..*sniff*

…Worked too hard for this. My whole life...and just now…things are starting to turn around the way they should."

"Ruby, no fruit tree is ever completely dead. Maybe it just wasn't their season. You planted and tilled; so now you can enjoy the Harvest."

"That.....is why you came back. You never could enjoy your fruits; but now you can."

"Maybe, Rainbow. Maybe.

Go home. I have some things I have to look over."