
"Maybe I can come with?"


Your sister needs you more than I."

"But who's there when you need someone? It's not fitting that one should walk alone."

"Whoever said I was alone? I have Nature. I have trees. I have the Animals. I..."

"Have a hole."

"Excuse me?"

"You have a hole, Ruby. A hole that is empty. For you, protecting others is easy; but….."




"Ruby, why is your finger over my li…."


Ummmm. Ruby, I…."

"Told you I'm not alone.

Take DeathPetal with you and help give your sister the comfort she needs during these times."

"Ummmmm…I…..I…..Elwin. This is amazing. I….where do we start? Do you need a pillow? Do you need better slippers? Ummm….I can get you a comfy nightcap, or should I get you something for…."

"Kain, you're going to burn yourself out getting all those things. I don't need anything. I just need you."

"But...what if…..what if.....what if I realize I'm not...I can't sleep, Elwin."


"Sorry. I meant, Natysh. I can't sleep. What if I am not good enough or…or….what if it turns out that Eryx doesn't even have wings when born?"

"I'm sure he'll grow into them."

"Now, or later. And if later, then…."




"Oh thank goodness you're back, Rainbow. You won't believe how much I have missed you. Where were you?"

".....Now I can see why Ruby said this time is not only a relaxation for you, but Kain needs one as well.

I'm sorry if I thought he could handle everything.

Might make Eryx more nervous than excited.

Here, drink some water."


"Thank you, Rainbow.

I feel better."

"Oh, don't worry about it. I can pick up Kain to bed."

"Ummm…Rainbow, it's totally….let me help you."

"I can do it. A protector not only protects outside, but right next to."

"But even Protectors…..need help. And if you don't let me help, I don't want to feel useless."

"Natysh, you are not useless. You just...…..fine. Grab his hands."

"Thank you."

"Is this going to be a regular occurrence between you and Kain?"

"I don't know.

Is your 'lipstick' on your cheek going to be a regular occurrence?"

"Lipstick? I….."

"Who is he?"


Ummm....let's just focus on you. I am here for you, and to support well as Kain."

"Thank you, but now you might make Kain feel useless."

"Wouldn't think of it."


"So will you tell me?"

"Only if you tell me something."


"If you run away from the Kingdom like Rubys parents did, does that mean I get the throne?"

".....Don't get your hopes up, Rainbow. I've seen how you act."

"Shoot. Their is no such thing as a stupid question though."

"I could make a few exemptions."

"Over Icecream?"

"Over Icecream."

"Wait. Natysh, honey. I don't think you should have that. Our Kingdom is surrounded by Candy, sweets, and traps of all kind, Maybe we should….."


"Wait, what are you…"


"Rainbow, you may be a Witch but you are definitely not as strong as Ruby."

"Natysh, I just know the spells. That doesn't mean I can cast them."

"Do you know the Spell for free food?


"Cause I could use some."

"Natysh, magic is not to be used for personal gain but only for defense or sparingly."

"What did you use it for then?"

"Uhhh....I...…..I reformed."

"Sure you did?